№ |
Authors Name/s, papers Title |
Part 1. Mechanical Engineering |
| Section 1.1. Machinery and Mechanism Design |
1_1_1 | Б.А. Шароглазов, В.В. Клементьев, Бескривошипный двигатель внутреннего сгорания: аналитика процессов рабочего цикла на номинальном режиме работы |
1_1_2 | A.V. Muratov, V.V. Lyashenko The Design Features of Locomotives with Hybrid Propulsion Systems |
1_1_3 | Wu Que, M.Yu. Rachkov Reconfiguration Mechanism Analysis of the Wheel-Track Robot |
1_1_4 | O. Krol Modified Double-slider Coupling of Multioperational Milling Machine |
1_1_6 | V.I. Chizhikov, E.V. Kurnasov Strain-stress State Control of Multidimensional Resilient Kinematic with Indefinite External Distubance |
1_1_8 | A. Barykin, R. Galiyev, D. Nuretdinov, R. Takhaviev Selection of the Differential Construction Taking Into Account Operational Requirements |
1_1_9 | V. Syzrantsev, A. Starikov Modeling of Generating Cylindrical Gear Arc Teeth Shaping Processes |
1_1_10 | K. Syzrantseva, K. Kuskov, N. Gonchar, D. Dubrovko Updating the Statistical Strength Analysis Method for the Shut-Off Valve Body in Random Loading Conditions |
1_1_11 | E. Trubachev Spiroid Gears as an Alternative to Bevel and Hypoid Gears |
1_1_12 | A.V. Evseev, I.A. Yuraskova, A.O. Chechuga, G.V. Kasatkin, T.S. Khachlaev Mathematical Model for Optimizing the Determination of the Number of Doses of Components Dispensed by Discrete Dispensers to Obtain a Minimum Portion of a Mixture with Specified Probabilistic Characteristics on a Conveyor Nonmixer |
1_1_13 | A. Pazyak, V. Petrukhin Determining Helical Gear Transmission Geometrical Parameters of Top Drive Gearbox |
1_1_14 | A. Bobkov, M. Krivenko Analysis of Factors Reducing the Reliability of Electric Pump Units Bearing of Spacecraft Thermal Control Systems |
1_1_15 | I.P. Nikitina, A.N. Polyakov Improving Thermal Characteristics of Double-sided Face Grinding Machines |
1_1_16 | Ya.S. Makunina, S.N. Dolmatov, P.G. Kolesnikov Operation of Wheel Skidders in Conditions of Insufficient Ground Bearing Capacity |
1_1_18 | E.V. Balakina, M. S. Kochetov, D. S. Sarbaev Design Calculation of the Lateral Tire Stiffness When the Wheel Rotation Plane Is Inclined |
1_1_19 | P.V. Boslovyak, S. Guo Modernization of the jib lifting mechanism design of a truck crane |
1_1_20 | A.V. Volchenkov, L.G. Nikitina Modeling of the Thermal State of a Motor Spindle with a Radial Ventilation System |
1_1_22 | S. Ivanov, M. Kolesnik, K. Kim The Determination of Output Parameters of the Electric Drive of the Sealed Valve of the Main Pipeline |
1_1_24 | M.K. Sagdatullin Statement of the Problem of Stability Cylindrical Panel by the Method of Finite Elements |
1_1_25 | V.V. Martishkin, O.G. Savostikova, S.N. Yudaev Possibility of Achieving Guaranteed reliability of Mechanical Products for Set Service Life |
1_1_26 | A.I. Popov, A.S. Fumin, S.V. Zakharov, V.P. Tretyakov, M.M. Radkevich Method for Selecting Electrodes of Tools for Jet Electrolytic-Plasma Processing |
1_1_27 | E.A. Petrakova, Yu.I. Brovkina, N.A. Kuzmin Parameterization of Body Parts of Vertical Gearboxes in Autodesk Inventor for Solving Research Problems |
1_1_28 | N.A. Fomenko, O.V. Burlachenko, T.F. Cherednichenko, O G. Chesnokova The Optimization of the Grubber Pruning Device Design |
1_1_29 | B.N. Feshin, L.G. Shpakova, K.M. Tokhmetova Hierarchical Management System of the Coal-Winning Complex |
1_1_32 | A.L. Balaban, V.V. Grechikhin, Yu.V. Yufanova Combined Approach to Simulation of Electromagnets in the Levitation System of Ground Transport |
1_1_33 | M.E. Nikolaev, V.A. Perfilov, E.Yu. Kozlovtseva Loading and Transport Unit with an Enlarged Working Area |
| Section 1.2. Dynamics of Machines and Working Processes |
1_2_1 | A. Malozemov, A. Shavlov, K. Gundarev, G. Malozemov Influence of the Gases Enthalpy in the Diesel Engine Exhaust Manifold on the Boost Pressure |
1_2_2 | A.V. Vyboishchik,M.Yu. Popov Contemporary Methods for Applying Low-Waste and Non-Waste Technologies in Producing Chromium- and Titanium-Containing Pigments |
1_2_3 | D.V. Kondratov, T.S. Kondratova, V.S. Popov, M.V. Popova Modeling Hydroelastic Response of the Channel Wall Resting on a Nonlinear Elastic Foundation |
1_2_5 | V.G. Avgustinovich, T.A. Kuznetsova, A.I. Fatykov, V.O. Fofanov Correlation between Pressure Pulsations and the Pilot Fuel Ratio in a Dle Combustor of a Gas Turbine Engine as an Evaluation Criteria for the Fuel-Air Mixture Homogeneity |
1_2_6 | Sh. Buzikov, O. Buzikova, M. Motovilova Evaluation of Dynamic Parameters of Nozzle and Sprayer Operation on Mixed Fuel |
1_2_8 | I.V. Kudryavtsev, L.K. Malykhina, S.S. Morozov, O.I. Rabetskaya, A.E. Mityaev Support Coefficients for a Spring-Hinged Beam at Vibration and Buckling |
1_2_9 | S. Ivannikov, I. Manaenkov, M. Krutyakova Parametric Reliability of Metalworking Equipment |
1_2_13 | S.D. Shepelev, M.V. Pyataev, E.V. Shalonkina Theoretical and Experimental Studies of the Tractive Resistance of a Spring-Tooth Harrow with a Parallelogram Section Mount System |
1_2_16 | L.V. Plotnikov, N.I. Grigoriev, K.O. Desyatov Stationary Gas Dynamics and Heat Transfer of Turbulent Gas Flow in the Cylinder and Exhaust System of a Reciprocating Engine |
1_2_17 | O.V. Abyzov, Yu.V. Galyshev, A.A. Metelev, Luo Xinyao Computational Study of Combustion and Emissions Characteristics in Ammonia-Powered Gas-Diesel Engine |
1_2_18 | V.A. Markov, P.B. Barchenko, V.A. Neverov, M.I. Shlenov, E.A. Savastenko Transient Processes of Piston Engines with Various Forms of External Speed Characteristic |
1_2_19 | E.T. Plaksina, M.D. Plamennova, A.B. Syritskii, N.S. Lozhkin Development of a System for Monitoring Torsional Oscillations of the Crankshaft Based on the Phase Chronometric Method |
1_2_20 | С.Л. Букин, В.Н. Беловодский Супергармонический инерционный вибропривод на базе одношарнирной карданной передачи |
1_2_21 | V. Shepelev, A. Gritsenko, A. Vorobyev, B. Kaliyev, O. Fadina Increasing the Robustness of Modern Turbocharging Systems Using a Hydraulic Accumulator and Oil Circulation |
1_2_22 | D.M. Shprekher, E.B. Kolesnikov, D.S. Ovsyannikov Adaptive Scraper Conveyor Loading Control System |
1_2_23 | A.A. Abyzov Estimation of Fatigue Life under Multivariable Loading Using the Corrected Linear Damage Summation Hypothesis |
1_2_24 | A.N. Savkin, A.A. Sedov, K.A. Badikov, А.А. Baryshnikov Modeling of Fatigue Crack Growth Kinetics under Biharmonic Loading |
1_2_25 | K.K. Abishev, A.Zh. Kasenov, A.D. Suleimenov, R.B. Mukanov, A.V. Mazdubay Reduction of Torsional Vibrations in the Transmission of Transport Vehicles |
| Section 1.3. Friction, Wear, and Lubrication in Machines |
1_3_2 | P.I. Malenko, O.B. Kryuchkov, A.E. Boldyrev Corrosion and Fatigue at Steel Fretting Damage |
1_3_3 | Т. Дайюб, А.В. Максимкин Влияние графеновых нанопластин/полианилина на структуру, механические и трибологические свойства ориентированных лент СВМПЭ |
1_3_4 | I.A. Mikhaylov, K.V. Sukhareva, E.A. Mamin, Yu.O. Andriasyan, A.A. Popov Operating Resource Prolongation of Diaphragms for Tire Shaping and Vulcanizing Presses |
1_3_5 | V.V. Alisin Advancements in High Temperature Cylindrical Joints Tribological Properties |
1_3_6 | V.I. Kolesnikov, O.V. Kudryakov, V.N. Varavka, A.I. Voropaev, E.S. Novikov Comparative Analysis of Tribological Nitride and Carbon PVD-Coatings Deposited on a Nitrided Steel Substrate |
1_3_7 | V.V. Martyshkin, A.P. Adylina, A.R. Chestnyh, A.Ya. Klochkov, D.E. Kashirin Principles of Guaranteed Reliability Provision for Agricultural Equipment |
1_3_8 | A. Bolotov, V. Novikov, O. Novikova The Effect of Magnetic Nanoparticles on Lubricating Properties of Magnetic Oils under Boundary Friction |
1_3_9 | P.V. Kharlamov Analysis of Secondary Structure Formation During Modification of Steel Friction Surfaces |
1_3_10 | A.N. Bolotov, I.A. Smolyakova, L.E. Afanasieva Magnetic Lubricating Fluids with Novel Dispersion Media |
1_3_12 | A.I. Izotov, V.N. Tymoshenko, S.А. Izotov, I.V. Gubin Antifriction Composite Inserts for Current-Removing Brushes of Electric Machines |
1_3_13 | O.A. Belyak, I.V. Kolesnikov, T.V. Suvorova Modeling of Tribological Properties of Self-Lubricating Composite Materials |
1_3_14 | A.N. Zayatzev, J.I. Shoucheng, Y.P. Alexandrova An Experimental Study of Tribological Properties of Threaded Joints Inconel 718 ? Grade 660 With a Solid Lubricant Based on MoS2 |
| Section 1.4. Design and Manufacturing Engineering of Industrial Facilities |
1_4_2 | L. Kondratenko, L. Mironova Stem Bending of Gun Drill for Deep Hole Machining |
1_4_3 | V.V. Lyashenko, A.V. Muratov Using Lean Production Tools to Optimize the Business Processes of Locomotive Stock Units of Russian Railroads OJSC |
1_4_5 | R. Khusainov, E. Gainiyeva, G. Davletshina, B. Zairov Modeling Volumetric Errors in the Working Area of a Vertical Milling Machine |
1_4_6 | M.V. Vartanov, Nguyen Van Linh Determination of the Friction Coefficient Using a Force Torque Sensor During the Robotic Assembly of a Non-Rigid Shaft with a Rigid Sleeve |
1_4_7 | А.И. Никоноров Оценка риска неприемлемой производительности при выборе оборудования механообрабатывающих производств |
1_4_8 | V.F. Bulavin, T.G. Bulavina, D.V. Koshutin Engineering Support & Infrastructure of Small – Sized Mechanical Engineering Companies |
1_4_9 | D.S. Ershov, T.A. Levina, A.V. Malahov, R.Z. Khayrullin, A.A. Galishnikov To the Design of Medium- and Long-Term Programs of Innovative Development of Some Areas of Mechanical Engineering |
1_4_12 | V. Malikov, A. Ishkov, S. Voinash, R. Zagidullin, L. Sabitov Automated Control of the Conductivity of Thin Films Using the Eddy Current Method |
1_4_13 | V. Lebedev, Yu. Torop, O. Baryshnikova, N. Koval, A. Kochetov Technological Effect of Hole Calibration in the Conditions of Ultrasonic Exposure to the Part |
1_4_14 | D. Glazunov, N. Osipova, N. Repeshko, M. Mukonina Cross-platform Simulator for Railway University Students |
1_4_15 | N.A. Sukhova, R.S. Khmyrov, Y.O. Pristinsky Development of Technology for Spark Plasma Sintering of High-Entropy Target Cathodes for Synthesis of Wear-Resistant Coatings on Cutting Tools |
1_4_18 | M. Prakhova, Yu. Shishkina, P. Krasnova The Smart System to Supply Methanol to the Gas-Gathering Network |
1_4_19 | A. Krasnov The Distributed Automated System to Supply Methanol to the Gas-Gathering Network |
1_4_20 | V.V. Matrosova, M.V. Arkhipov, D.V. Silyakov Laser quality control system for robotic machining system |
1_4_22 | V.N. Sidorov, S.G. Nizhnik Method of Tool-Electrode Design for Electrochemical Machining of Multi-Stage Conical Hole by Rotating Electrodes |
1_4_24 | P. Kalish, V. Volgin, A. Malakho Automated Design of Tooling for the Production of Tape Prepreg Based on Thermoplastic Polymers |
1_4_66 | М.В. Вартанов, Нгуен Ван Линь Определение величины коэффициента трения с использованием силомоментного датчика при роботизированной сборке нежесткого вала с жесткой втулкой |
| Section 1.5. Transport and Technological Machines |
1_5_2 | V.A. Ryzhikov Resonance Phenomena in Vehicle Suspension |
1_5_3 | V.S. Velikanov, N.V. Dyorina, E.A. Gasanenko, E.A. Pikalova Development of a Neuro-Fuzzy Matlab Model for Assessing the Wear Rate of Crusher Liners |
1_5_4 | М.Г. Бояршинов, А.С. Вавилин Статистические показатели транспортного затора на городской улично-дорожной сети |
1_5_6 | E.V. Pantyukhina, I.V. Puzikov, O.A. Erzin Scientific basis of design of automatic hopper feeding device for three-piece caps |
1_5_9 | E.V. Zenkov, L.B. Tsvik Structural Strength Modelling Methods for Solid-Rolled Railway Wheels |
1_5_15 | V.A. Krutova Theoretical Study of Sound Radiation of Bearing Frames of Overhead Cranes |
| Section 1.6. Mechanical Treatment of Materials |
1_6_1 | E. Fominov, C. Shuchev, V. Sukhomlinova, O. Pyatnitzkaya, A. Barkov Influence of Geometric Parameters of the Secondary Plastic Deformations Zone On the Temperature Distribution on the Rake Face of the Lathe Cutter |
1_6_2 | M.R. Gimadeev, A.A. Li Tool condition monitoring techniques for milling |
1_6_3 | Yu.A.Tempel, O.A. Tempel, Yu.V. Surmyatova, R.Y. Nekrasov Digital Technologies Within the Accuracy of Processing Low-Rigid Workpieces on CNC Machines |
1_6_4 | А.В. Савилов, С.А. Тимофеев, Г.В. Матлыгин, В.А. Ушаков Исследование обрабатываемости резанием быстрорежущей стали |
1_6_7 | M.Sh. Migranov, S.R. Shekhtman, A.S. Gusev Synthesizing Low-Wear Cathodic Coatings from Multi-Component Alloys with a High-Entropy Effect |
1_6_8 | В.А. Ушаков, А.С. Пятых, М.С. Моисеева, Ф.С. Костенко К вопросу расчета сил резания при вихревом резьбонарезании |
1_6_9 | V.P. Lapshin, I.A. Turkin, O.V. Zimovnov Studies of the Influence of the Contact Temperature on the Buoyancy Force When Turning Metals |
1_6_10 | E. Kolganova, A. Shishkina, G. Sanamyan Prospects for the Application of Granular Media from Natural Materials to Improve the Quality of Coating Surfaces |
1_6_11 | A.V. Karpov The Use of the Index of Chip-Forming Specific Energy Intensity for Determining and Controlling the Machinability of Structural Material in Adaptive Technological Cutting Systems |
1_6_13 | A. Gritsenko, V. Shepelev, S. Baryshnikov, E. Tsybunov, D. Nevolin Reconditioning Turbocharger Shafts Through Electrocontact Sintering with Powder Metal Mixtures |
1_6_14 | M.N. Nagorkin, V.P. Fyodorov Determination of the Adhesive Component Parameters of Friction Ratio of Tool Indentor with the Surface When Processing Parts by Surface Plastic Deformation |
1_6_15 | Д.В. Чащилов, К.С. Манухина, Л.А. Злочевский, И.Н. Павлов Оценка удельной энергии разволокнения при механической обработке листовой целлюлозы применительно к расчёту мельницы ударного действия |
1_6_16 | M.A. Volosova, A.E. Seleznev, A.M. Migranov Tribological Properties of Innovative Composite Nanostructured Coatings for High-Speed Turning |
1_6_17 | D.A. Barchukov, I.A. Smolyakova, L.E. Afanasieva The Effect of Cryogenic Treatment on the Structural Phase State of the Gas-Laser Cut Surface of High-Speed Steel |
1_6_19 | L.A. Glebov, I.N. Erdakov, L.V. Radionova, D.V. Gromov, E.V. Safonov Influence of Trajectories During Direct Metal Deposition on Mechanical Properties of the Ti6Al4V Alloy |
1_6_20 | L.V. Radionova, R.A. Lisovskiy, A.E. Sarafanov, S.R. Faizov, I.N. Erdakov Analysis of Deformation Behavior for Titanium Alloys at Elevated Temperature |
1_6_21 | Радионова Л.В., Громов Д.В., Лисовский Р.А., Фаизов С.Р., Хламкова С.С., Глебов Л.А. Анализ влияния технологических параметров на скорость деформации при экструзии проволоки |
| Section 1.7. Industrial Hydraulic Systems |
1_7_2 | A.D. Kolga, V.A. Alexandrov, R.T. Galiakhmetov Development of an Improved Hydraulic Drive of Agricultural Machines for The Conditions of the Urals and Siberia |
1_7_4 | M.V. Vecherkin, A.S. Sarvarov, I.G. Samarina Modeling the Aerodynamic Parameters of Centrifugal Fans with an Axial Distributor |