industrial engineering


    Authors Name/s, papers Title
    Part 1. Research and development of machines and mechanism
    Section 1.1. Dynamics of machines and workings processes
    6Попов А.Е., Бакиев Д.Р.
    Стенд для исследовательских испытаний макета двигателя с объемным самовоспламенением гомогенного заряда
    7Попов А.Е., Дайбов В.И.
    Экспериментальные исследования автомобильного двигателя 4Ч 8,2/7,56 с искровым зажиганием при работе на обедненных смесях
    10Спиридонов Е.К.
    Характеристики и расчет кавитационных смесителей
    13Назаров Ф.М., Форенталь В.И., Форенталь М.В.
    Исследование динамических характеристик гидропривода с пропорциональным управлением
    16Редников С.Н.
    Вязкостные характеристики углеводородов в области высоких давлений
    17Pirogova N.S., Taranenko P.A.
    Calculative and experimental analysis of natural and critical frequencies and mode shapes of high-speed rotor for micro gas turbine plant
    19Blednykh V.V., Svechnikov P.G., Troyanovskaya I.P.
    Analytical model of soil pulverization and tillage tools
    20Yaushev A.A., Taranenko P.A., Zhestkov A.V.
    Estimation of residual stresses influence on oscillation modes of welded housing part
    21Abyzov A.A., Berezin I.I., Sadakov O.S.
    Prediction of the engineering structures fatigue life under multivariable random loading using a structural model
    22Berezin I.I., Halturin V.K., Abyzov A.A.
    Modeling of operation processes and reliability assurance of engineering machines under multivariable time-varying random loading
    23Evstratov V.A., Rud A.V., Belousov K.Y.
    Process modelling vertical screw transport of bulk material flow
    24Плаксин А.М., Гриценко А.В., Глемба К.В. / Plaksin A., Gritsenko A., Glemba K.
    Модернизация системы смазки турбокомпрессора двигателя внутреннего сгорания
    Modernization of the internal combustion engine turbocharger lubrication system
    25Lazutkin S.L., Lazutkina N.A.
    Perspective construction of hydraulic impact device
    26Barushev V.I., Laiko K.K.
    Investigation of the strength of oil as a complex index of its condition
    27Erpalov A.V., Shefer A.P.
    Prediction of stress-life curve of a material under random or cyclic loading with asymmetry
    28Добров И.В. / Dobrov I.V.
    Развитие научных основ динамики машин как раздела прикладной механики
    Development of scientific bases of the dynamics of machines as a section of applied mechanics
    29Otrokov A.V., Khazanovich G.S., Afonina N.B.
    Engineering design technique development of continuous loading modules
    30Bogdanov V.V.
    Contemporary achievements in the field of acoustic ignition systems
    31Prikhodko A.A., Smelyagin A.I.
    Kinematic analysis of mechanism for converting rotational motion into reciprocating rotational motion
    32Новиков В.В., Поздеев А.В., Дьяков А.С. / Novikov V.V., Pozdeev A.V., Diakov A.S.
    Научно-испытательный комплекс для исследования узлов подрессоривания транспортных средств
    Research and testing complex for analysis of the vehicle suspension units
    33Pogulyaev Y.D., Baitimerov R.M., Rozhdestvenskii Y.V.
    Detailed dynamic modeling of common rail piezo injector
    34Tussupova A.E., Bidakhmet Zh., Rakhmatulina A.B.
    Dynamic synthesis of pulse action vibration exciter on foundation
    35Ахмедьянова Е.Н., Пташкина-Гирина О.С.
    Нестационарные режимы влагоудаления
    36Рябов И.М., Чернышов К.В., Поздеев А.В. / Ryabova I.M., Chernyshovb K.V., Pozdeev A.V.
    Сравнительная оценка виброзащитных свойств подвески с различными маховичными динамическими гасителями колебаний кузова автомобиля
    Comparative evaluation of the vibration isolation properties of the suspension with different flywheel dynamical absorbers of the car body oscillations
    39Русаков Н.А., Карташев А.Л., Карташева М.А.
    Проектирование ракет-носителей с кольцевыми соплами внешнего расширения
    40Амбарцумянц Р.В., Дели И.И. / Ambartsumyants R.V., Deli I.I.
    Расчет и проектирование центробежной фрикционной муфты с клиновым преобразователем усилий
    Designing of a centrifugal friction coupling with a force transformer
    Section 1.2. Design-engineering issue of industrial facilities
    3Guzeev V.I.
    Feed speed control for assuring complex profile surfaces processing accuracy
    5Shchurov I.A.
    A method of improving fiber-reinforced composite workpiece surface quality during the machining on 5-axis CNC machines
    6Shchurova E.I., Shchurova A.V.
    A new file format to describe fiber-reinforced composite workpiece structure for additive technology machines
    8Ardashev D.V.
    A mathematic model of a blunting area of an abrasive grain in grinding processes considering different wear mechanisms
    9Ardashev D.V.
    Prediction of intensity of physicochemical interaction of abrasive and workpiece material depending on the chemical composition of the material being machined
    12Borisova E.A., Zelinskiy V.V.
    On the mechanism of ferromagnetic materials wear reduction
    14Karpov A.V.
    Determining the effective conditions for machining fabrication procedures based on the cutting process energy patterns
    16Глебов В.В.
    Термовакуумное нанесение прозрачных проводящих слоев на полупроводниковые электрод-инструменты для электрохимической обработки изделий машиностроения
    17Pereverzev P.P., Akintseva A.V.
    Automatic cycles multiparametric optimization of internal grinding
    18Илимбетов Р.Ю., Возмилов А.Г., Попов В.В.
    Сравнительный анализ моделирования процессов движения электромобиля «НГТУ – Электро» в программах MATLAB Simulink и AVL Cruise
    19Sopeltzev A.V., Dyakonovb A.A., Karali Patra
    Dynamic model of material deforming under microgrinding
    20Tej Pratapa, Karali Patrab , Dyakonov A.A.
    Modeling cutting force in micro-milling of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy
    21Шеркунов В.Г., Дубинский Ф.С., Загуменнов О.В.
    Новые возможности производства металлопроката на современном металлургическом комбинате
    23Романов В.А., Лазарев Е.А., Хозенюк Н.А.
    Влияние условий охлаждения на напряженно-деформированное состояние головки цилиндра форсированного дизеля
    24Коваль Г.И., Закарлюкин С.И.
    Применение радиальной ковки и прокатки-ковки при производстве заготовок и профилей из специальных сплавов
    Section 1.3. Surface transport production machines
    1Goritskiy Y., Gavrilov K.V., Rozhdestvenskii Yu.V., Doikin A.A.
    A numerical model for mechanical interaction of rough surfaces of tribosystem of the high forced diesel engine
    8Шароглазов Б.А., Гофман А.В. / Sharoglazov B., Gofman A.
    Особенности нагружения элементов механизма преобразования движения бескривошипной поршневой машины-двигателя
    The mechanism of transformation of movements of a piston engine two-stroke-engine and the characteristic of operating on its elements of strength
    10Raznoshinskaia A.V.
    The research of influence characteristics of heat-storage material on thermodynamic process in heat storage, installed in system of waste-heat recovery of internal combustion engines
    11Rozhdestvensky Yu.V., Khozeniuk N.A., Mylnikov A.A.
    The technique of an interconnection problem of the hydrodynamic lubrication theory and the nonlinear dynamics for mechanical systems "an elastic crankshaft on film lubrication bearings"
    12Goun V.S., Morozova V.S., Polyacko V.L.
    Mathematical modeling of fuel flow in channels cone spray
    14Kukis V.S., Omelchenko E.A., Raznoshinskaia A.V.
    Results of vortex tube usage in diesel exhaust gas recirculation system
    15Keller A.V., Shelepov A.A., Istomin D.I.
    Study on screw-ball differential gear operating process
    16Troyanovskaya I.P., Pozin B.M.
    Forces of friction at the wheel-to-ground contact in a turning vehicle
    17Lopatin B.A., Plotnikova S.V., Khaustov S.A.
    Involute helical-bevel gearing
    19Zubov V.V., Domnitskiy A.A., Kargin R.V.
    Calculation and choice of grip parameters for garbage truck manipulator
    20Глемба К.В., Аверьянов Ю.И. / Glemba K.V., Averianov Y.I.
    Обоснование параметров и режимов работы устройства тепловой комфортности оператора мобильной машины
    Substantiation of parameters and modes of operation of the device thermal comfort of the operator of the mobile machine
    21Шепелев С.Д., Черкасов Ю.Б., Шепелев В.Д. / Shepelev S., Shepelev V.b, Cherkasov Yu.
    Взаимосвязь сезонной нагрузки и технической готовности зерноуборочного комбайна
    Differentiation of the seasonal loading of combine harvester depending on its technical readiness
    22Arav B.L., Shulman R., Kozminykh V.A.
    Refinement of hybrid motor-transmission set using micro turbine generator
    23Romanov V.A., Lazarev E.A., Khozeniuk N.A.
    The evaluation of the stress-strain state for the cylinder head of high-powered diesel engines using the multiphysics ANSYS technology
    24Kondakov A.I.
    Implementing formal evaluations of design decisions similarity for upgrading machine components pre-production
    25Максимов Ю.В., Исаков В.С.
    Обоснование адаптивного рабочего органа канатного экскаватора
    28Shmidt I.V., Gorodkova A.E., Degtyareva A.S.
    Particularities of dispersed materials microcutting
    Part 2. Materials engineering and technologies for production and processing
    Section 2.1. New functional materials and technologies
    1Винник Д.А., Трофимов Е.А., Жеребцов Д.А. / Vinnik D., Trofimov E., Zherebtsov D.
    Экспериментальное исследование и термодинамическое моделирование фазовых равновесий, реализующихся в системе BaO-Fe2O3
    Experimental study and thermodynamic modeling of phase equilibria in BaO-Fe2O3 system
    3Аникеев А.Н., Чуманов И.В. / Anikeev A.N., Chumanov I.V.
    Изучение угла смачивания карбида циркония
    Study of zirconium carbide contact angle
    4Самойлов С.П., Чернявский А.О. / Samoilov S.P., Cherniavsky A.O.
    Прогнозирование длительной прочности молибденового сплава
    Creep and long-term strength of molybdenum alloy
    6Mikhailov G.G., Zherebtsov D.A.
    On the interaction of calcium and oxygen in liquid iron
    7Sozykin S.A., Beskachko V.P., Vyatkin G.P.
    Atomic structure and mechanical properties of defective
    8Sozykin S.A., Beskachko V.P., Vyatkin G.P.
    Calculation of adsorption parameters for lithium on carbon nanotube
    9Михайлов Г.Г, Морозова А.Г., Лонзингер Т.М., Скотников В.А.
    Формирование фотокаталитических наноцентров на поверхности сорбента-фотокатализатора
    10Korolkova L.I., Mashrabov N.M.
    High-speed thin layer coating
    11Королькова Л.И., Машрабов Н.M./ Korolkova L.I., Mashrabov N.M.
    Поверхностная закалка деталей электрической дугой
    Surface hardening of parts arc
    12Deryabina A.I., Lisienkova L.N., Smolina O.A.
    Deformation of fibrous materials during cyclical compression
    13Криони Н.К., Мингажева А.А., Кононова А.Ю. / Krioni N.K., Mingazheva A.A., Kononova A.Yu.
    Азотирование деталей из легированных сталей при высокоэнергетической обработке поверхности
    Nitriding of parts of alloyed steels with high-energy surface treatment
    14Винник Д.А., Гудкова С.А., Нива Р. / Vinnik D.A., Gudkova S.A., Niewa R.
    Выращивание монокристаллов частично замещенного алюминием гексаферрита бария из раствора на основе оксида свинца
    Growth of lead and aluminum substituted barium hexaferrite single crystals from lead oxide flux
    15Vinnik D., Zakharchuk I., Lahderanta E.
    Magnetic properties of Mn substituted barium hexaferrite single crystals
    18Трофимов Е.А., Самойлова О.В. / Trofimov E.A., Samoylova O.V.
    Изучение условий образования кристаллов карбида кремния в металлическом расплаве сложного состава
    The study of conditions for the silicon carbide crystals formation in the complex composition metal melt
    21Ryabov A.V.
    Environmental aspects of lead-free free-machining steels production
    22Koryagin Yu.D., Okishev K.Yu., Sozykina A.S.
    Optimization of chemical composition and heat treatment of high-carbon iron alloys with 14 % chromium and 3 % vanadium
    23Blagin A.V., Lunina M.L., Kozaeva A.G.
    Principles of controlled exposure in semiconductor materials science of low-dimensional systems
    24Blagin A.V., Nefedova N.A., Seredin B.M.
    Physical aspects of the liquid zones thermomigration method for formation of electronic technics materials with the required substructure
    25Yatsenko E.A., Goltsman B.M., Yatsenko L.A.
    Investigation of the raw materials' composition and ratio influence on the structure and properties of the foamed slag glass
    26Yatsenko E.A., Karandashova N.S., Goltsman B.M.
    Development of the technology of eco-friendly single-layer vitreous art enamels for copper
    27Яценко Н.Д., Голованова С.П.
    Белизна минералов керамики и клинкера белого портландцемента в зависимости от содержания хромофоров
    29Ryabova A.V., Klimova L.V., Filatova E.V.
    Glass-ceramic materials and coatings providing steel household products with the desired properties
    30Lozovskiy V.N., Seredin B.M., Arkhipova N.Yu.
    Local doping of semiconductor crystals by thermomigration
    32Avdin V.V., Yudina E.P.1 Krivtsov I.V.
    Preparation of layered yttrium oxide by hydrolysis of yttrium nitrate
    33Lipkin V.M., Berezhnoi Y.M., Lipkin M.S.
    Effect of substrate nature and electrolysis modes on ultramicron and nanosized electrolytic powders formation regularities
    34Kozlova T.V., Lipkina T.V., Sedov A.V.
    Electrochemical oxide films corrosion properties diagnosis system for the thermal power equipment heating surfaces
    36Kostrin D.K., Lisenkov A.A.
    Surface modification by vacuum arc plasma source
    37Рябова А.В., Хорошавина В.В., Давитян М.В.
    Функциональные композиционные стеклоэмалевые покрытия для защиты стальных изделий
    38Leyvi A.Ya., Yalovets A.P., Kozhevnikov D.G.
    Applying compressive plasma flows to improve adhesion in a film-support system
    39Kiyanets A.V.
    The negative temperature impact on hardening of magnesia composites
    40Lykov P.A., Safonov E.V., Akhmedianov A.M.
    Selective laser melting of copper
    41Lykov P.A., Baitimerov R.M., Vaulin S.D.
    Influence of SLM process parameters on porosity of nickel base heat resistance alloy EP648
    42Novopashin S.A., Demin N.A., Zaikovskii A.V.
    Pressure dependent magnetization of arc discharge Fe–C soot
    43Mikhailov G.G., Makrovets L.A., Smirnov L.A.
    Thermodynamic modelling of rare-earth elements-oxygen interaction
    44Krymsky V.V., Shaburova N.A., Litvinova E.V.
    Microstructure and properties of cast metal treated with electromagnetic pulses while in molten state
    45Sagalakov A.M., Dmitriev S.F., Malikov V.N.
    Subminiature eddy-current transducers for conductive materials and layered composites research
    46Ryabov A.V.
    New medium-carbon free-machining steels containing bismuth and calcium
    47Ignatiev A.G., Erofeev V.V., Tretyakov A.A.
    Residual stress measurements Using elasto-plastic indentation and ESPI
    48Reznik P.L., Chikova O.A., Ovsyannikov B.V.
    A study of flat hot-deformed semiproducts Аl-Мg-Mn-Sc-Zr microstructure, phase composition, crystalline structure and mechanical properties
    49Shulaev M.V., Khramova I.A., Emelyanov V.M.
    Pilot testing of the waste metalworking fluids biosorption treatment
    50Трофимов Б.Я., Шулдяков К.В. / Trofimov B. Ya., Schuldyakov K.V.
    Молотый доменный гранулированный шлак и способы его активации
    Ground granulated blastfurnace slag and its activation methods
    51Kirsanova A.A., Thiery V., Kramar L.Ya.
    The effect of additives including metakaolin on the freeze resistance of concrete
    52Anikeev A.N., Sergeev D.V., Chumanov I.V.
    Experiments on obtaining nanostructured metallic materials and their investigation
    Section 2.2. Innovation and cost-effective use of resources of metallurgy industry
    2Chumanov I.V., Trofimov E.A., Dildin A.N.
    Improving the process of high-temperature processing steel-smelting dump slag by means of experimental and theoretical research
    3Ryabov A.V.
    Aspects of production technology for the environmentally friendly free-machining steel with tin
    5Mirzaev D.A., Makovetskii A.N.
    Intercritical quench hardening of structural pipeline steels
    6Mirzaev D.A., Mirzoev A.A., Chirkov P.V.
    On the theory of tetragonality of martensite crystals surrounded with elastic matrix
    7Знаменский Л.Г., Ивочкина О.В., Варламов А.С. / Znamenskij L.G., Ivochkina O.V., Varlamov A.S.
    Экономичные керамические формы в литье по выплавляемым моделям
    Economical ceramic molds in investment casting
    9Ulanov A.M., Ivanov M.A.
    Methods of increasing the speed of the many-arc welding
    10Osipov A.M., Bezgans Yu.V., Bezgans T.V.
    The influence of the current density in the open welding arc active spots on cathode and anode voltage breakdowns
    11Кулаков Б.А., Дубровин В.К., Карпинский А.В. / Kulakov B.A., Dubrovin V.K., Karpinskiy A.V.
    Компьютерное моделирование литья титан-алюминиевого интерметаллидного сплава
    Computing simulation of casting using titanium aluminide intermetallic alloys
    12Tanklevskaya N.M., Maznichevsky A.N.
    Thermodynamics of crystallizing low-alloy boron steel melt components interaction
    13Sherkunov V., Korsakov A.
    The usage of 156 mm diameter continuous cast billets for pipe production at “140” pipe-rolling plant
    Part 3. Systems of control and automation for manufacturing in the areas of industrial production
    Section 3.1. Automotive electromechanical systems
    5Пятибратов Г.Я., Бекин А.Б., Богданов Д.Ю. / Pyatibratov G.Y., Bekin A.B., Bogdanov D.Y.
    Совершенствование тренажеров осуществляющих имитацию на Земле перемещений в условиях невесомости и пониженной гравитации
    Retrofit simulator to train cosmonauts for working in non-gravity and reduced gravity environment
    6Пятибратов Г.Я. Богданов Д.Ю. Бекин А.Б. / Pyatibratov G.Ya., Bogdanov D.Yu., Bekin A.B.
    Синтез системы управления движением объекта на гибком подвесе при действии внешних сил
    Synthesis of an object moving control system with flexible suspension under the action of external forces
    8Zhaparova A.T., Baklanov A.E., Titov D.N.
    Improving the efficiency of led lighting by switching to low-voltage technology
    9Бочкарев И.В. / Bochkarev I.V.
    Исследование электропривода насосных установок, выполненного на базе асинхронного двигателя двухстороннего питания
    Analysis of a doubly fed induction motor in electric drives of pumping stations
    10Бочкарев И.В.
    Вопросы прогнозирования надежности силовых электромагнитных устройств для мехатронных систем
    11Lopatin B.A., Khaziev T.R.
    Improvement constructions of the machine for cold cutting pipes oil and gas pipelines
    12Zhiganov S.N., Smirnov M.S.
    An automated control system by probe signal generator in radar
    13Dubrov V.I., Shaykhutdinov D.V., Shirokov K.M.
    Information-measuring system for the flow process hydraulic machines testing stand
    14Pavlenko A.V., Gummel A.A., Bolshenko I.A.
    Adaptive control system of an electromagnetic actuator for a quickly moving flap of an air-impulse-charging internal combustion engine without the use of position, velocity or acceleration sensors
    15Gandzha S.A., Kiessh I.E.
    Variable speed power
    Section 3.2. Power supply systems
    2Kazarinov L.S., Barbasova T.A.
    Case study of conservation power plant conception in a metallurgical works
    6Kiessh I.E, Gandzha S.A.
    Application of brushless machines with combine excitation for a small and medium power windmills
    7Kirpichnikova I.M., Volkova O.S., Maliugina A.A.
    Using solar optical fibers for public buildings illumination in the South Urals
    12Basalaev A.A., Barbasova T.A., Shnayder D.A.
    Simulation study on supply temperature optimization of university campus heating system
    14Андреев А.А., Возмилов А.Г., Калмаков В.А. / Andreev A., , Vomzilov A., Kalmakov V.
    Моделирование работы литий-ионного аккумулятора в суровых климатических условиях
    Simulation of lithium battery operation under severe temperature conditions
    16Nagay I.V., Nagay V.I., Kireev P.S.
    Recognition of the fault regimes for the electrically remote objects
    17Nagay V.I., Nagay I.V., Sarry S.V.
    Methods of assessing the information signs that describing the regimes of electrical networks
    18Martyanov A.S., Martyanov N.A., Anikin A.S.
    Comparative analysis of wind turbines control strategies
    19Martyanov A.S., Solomin E.V., Korobatov D.V.
    Development of control algorithms in Matlab/Simulink
    Section 3.3. Electrotechnological complexes and systems
    3Gandzha S.A., Sogrin A.I., , Kiessh I.E.
    The comparative analysis of permanent magnet electric machines with integer and fractional number of slots per pole and phase
    4Соломин Е.В., Топольский Д.В., Топольский Н.Д. / Solomin E.V., Topolsky D.V., Topolsky N.D.
    Организация обмена данными между адаптивным цифровым трансформатором тока и напряжения и SCADA-системой в стандарте МЭК 61850
    Arrangement of data exchange between adaptive digital current and voltage transformer and SCADA-system under IEC 61850 standard
    5Соломин Е.В., Топольский Д.В., Топольская И.Г. / Solomin E.V., Topolsky D.V., Toposkaya I.G.
    Алгоритмы автоматической зарядки LiFePO4 аккумуляторов
    Algorithms of LiFePO4 batteries automatic charge
    6Смолин В.И., Топольская И.Г. / Smolin V.I., Topolskaya I.G.
    Алгоритмы управления асинхронным генератором ветроэнергетической установки
    Wind turbine asynchronous generator control algorithms
    7Tsytovich L.I., Brylina O.G., , Shapkina E.V., Chernysheva A.M.
    Multi-zone integrating regulator to control the electric drives with parallel regulation channels
    8Dudkin M.M. a, Tsytovich L.I.a, Nesterov A.S.
    Adaptive units and control systems of power semiconductor converters on the basis of integrating scanning conversion
    9Kruglova T.N.
    Intelligent diagnosis of the electrical equipment technical condition
    10Sidorov A.I., Medvedeva Yu.V.
    Selective isolation continuous monitoring system in the networks of 6, 10 kV
    11Nosenko A.S. Domnitskiy A.A. Shemshura E.A.
    Evaluation of reliability and technical conditions of tunneling machines
    12Kuznetsov K.B., Zakirova A.R.
    Higher harmonic components of rectifiers magnetic fields and their adverse health effects
    13Kuznetsov K.B., Zakirova A.R.
    Assessment of harmful health effects of AC rectifier converters harmonic components
    14Шохин В.В., Пермякова О.В. / Shokhin V.V., Permyakova O.V.
    Исследование систем регулирования межклетьевых натяжений при стабилизации моментов прокатных двигателей
    The study of continuous rolling mill inter-stand tension inferential control systems
    15Omelchenko E.Y. , Telezhkin O.A., Enin S.S., Tanich V.O.
    Synchronized asynchronous motor computer model
    16Shishkov A.N., Belousov E.V., Grigoryev M.A.
    Traction electric drive with the field regulated reluctance machine
    17Sychev D.A., Naumovich N.I., Khayatov E.S.
    Dynamic and technological traction drive parameters optimization
    19Zhuravlev A.M., Sychev D.A., Savosteenko N.V.
    Mass-dimensional parameters of traction drive
    20Kornilov G.P., Panova E.A., Varganova A.V.
    The algorithm of economically beneficial overhead wires cross section selection using corrected transmission lines mathematical models
    21Vecherkin M.V., Sarvarov A.S., Makarov A.V.
    Evaluation of the permitted number of reduced-current starts of the powerful induction motor drives on the basis of the oscillatory component of electromagnetic torque
    22Smirnov Y.S., Safronov V.V., Anisimov Y.O.
    Common dateware mechatronic with resolver-to-digital convertor
    23Korzhov A.V.
    A 6(10) kV cable section reliability assessment model including power distribution network configurations and relay protection schemes
    24Malafeev A., Iuldasheva A.
    Short-circuit failures simulation for evaluation of structural reliability of power supply systems
    26Stetsenko I.A., Leuhin R.I., Shirokov K.M.
    Automated information-measurement system used to test the immunity of the medical equipment protective elements to the discharges of the defibrillator
    27Shaykhutdinov D.V., Leukhin R.I., Shirokov K.M.
    Automated stand for intelligent actuators regulators setup parameters
    28Ahmedov S.V. , Stetsenko I.A., Grushko I.S.
    High precision device for diameter rebar control in reinforced concrete products
    29Karandaev A.S., Kornilov G.P., Khramshin V.R., Khramshin T.R.
    Improving electric power quality within the power supply system of wide-strip hot-rolling mill stand
    30Khramshin V.R., Karandaev A.S., Khramshina E.A., Kosmatov V.I.
    Study of self-starting high-voltage variable frequency electric drives
    31Kondrashova Yu.N., Khramshin R.R., Nikolaev A.A., Shurygina G.V.
    Analysis of thermal state of power transformer of captive power plant
    32Radionov A.A., Evdokimov S.A., Sarlybaev A.A., Karandaeva O.I.
    Application of subtractive clustering for power transformer fault diagnostics
    33Linkov S.A., Olizarenko V.V., Radionov A.A., Sarapulov O.A.
    Energy-efficient power supply system for mines
    34Voronin S.G., Kurnosov D.A., Korobatov D.V., Kulmukhametova A.S.
    Correction of rotor rotation irregularity of permanent magnet synchronous motor in a controlled synchronous mode
    35Voronin S.G., Kurnosov D.A., Korobatov D.V., Kulmukhametova A.S.
    Effect of different winding switching methods on regulating and energetic characteristics of synchronous motor with permanent magnet excitation
    Section 3.4. Industrial mechatronics and robototronics systems
    1Smirnov Y.S., Yurasova E.V., FunkT.A.
    Energoinformatics of a gearless mechatronic systems
    4Kruglova T., Sayfeddine D., Kovalenko V.
    Robotic laser inspection of airplane wings using quadrotor
    5Maklakova E.A., Maklakov A.S., Gasiyarov V.R., Voronin S.S.
    The work roll bending control system of the hot plate rolling mill
    6Voronin S.S., Maklakova E.A., Maklakov A.S., Gasiyarov V.R.
    The determination of energy-power parameters of hot plate mill
    7Radionova L.V., Chernyshev A.D.
    Mathematical model of the vehicle in MATLAB Simulink
    8Radionova L.V., Chernyshev A.D.
    Mathematical description of AFE rectifier closed loop system
    9Gasiyarov V.R., Maklakov A.S., Voronin S.S., Maklakova E.A.
    Automatic control system of speed of synchronous motor
    Section 3.5. Control systems and control technologies
    1Shiryaev V.I., Podivilova E.O.
    Set-valued estimation of linear dynamical system state when disturbance is decomposed as a system of functions
    3Yurasova E.V., Biziaev M.N., Volosnikov A.S.
    Approaches to dynamic measurements error correction based on a sensor model
    4Antyasov I.S.
    The solution for the electrodynamic problem on the alternative test site border fencing construction to conduct special studies of technical means
    5Садов В.Б., Плотникова Н.В.
    Использование технико-экономического критерия управления установкой с штанговым глубинным насосом
    7Astakhova L.V.
    Evaluation assurance levels for human resources security of an information system
    8Бурцева О.А., Ткачев А.Н., Чипко С.А. / Burtseva О.А., Tkachev А.N., Chipko S.А.
    Катковая система компенсации колебаний высотного сооружения в сейсмоактивной зоне
    Roller seismic impact oscillation neutralization system for high-rise buildings
    10Minatsevich S.P., Sharonov A.A., Borisov S.S.
    The design of safety control systems for unattended points of technological communication on oil and gas pipelines
    11Khazanovich G.S., Otrokov A.V., Breusov A.N.
    Automatic control of supplying the uninterrupted action loading machine at casual outside influence
    13Григорюк Е.Н.
    Система управления технологическим процессом изготовления изделий типа «BOXER»
    14Solomin E.V., Sirotkin E.A., Martyanov A.S.
    Adaptive control of wind turbine permanent characteristics
    16Provotorov A.V., Privezentsev D.G., Astafiev A.V.
    Development of methods for determining the locations of large industrial goods during transportation based on RFID
    17Fomin S.P., Orlov A.A.
    Simulation modeling of “Smart home” actions using the data of man’s posture
    Section 3.6. Simulation and computing technologies
    1Keller A.V., Gorelov V.A., Anchukov V.V.
    Modeling truck driveline dynamic loads at differential locking unit engagement
    2Келлер А.В., Чернявский А.О., Вдовин Д.С.
    Прочность кулачковой муфты блокировки дифференциала грузовых автомобилей
    4Igizianova N.A., Igizianova A.Y.
    About dynamic temperature distributions in the molten bath of the magnesite ores
    5Tkachev A.N., Pashkovskiy A.V.b, Burtceva O.A.
    Application of block elements method to calculate the electromechanical systems magnetic field and force characteristics
    7Kretova Y.I.
    Modern aspects of technological processes modeling to meet the challenges of increasing energy and resource efficiency of food production
    8Korotkiy V.A., Usmanova E.A., Khmarova L.I.
    Surface as an object of computer geometric modelling
    9Горелов В.А., Комиссаров А.И., Мирошниченко А.В. / Gorelov V.A., Komissarov A.I., Miroshnichenko A.V.
    Моделирование колесного транспортного средства 8х8 в программном комлексе автоматизированного анализа динамики систем тел
    8х8 wheeled vehicle modeling in a multibody dynamics simulation software
    10Бурцев Ю.А. / Burtsev Y.A.
    Расчеты электрических цепей с помощью метода сопряженных градиентов
    Simulation of electrical circuits using conjugate gradient algorithm
    11Herreinstein A.V., Herreinstein E.A., Mashrabov N.
    Modeling a rotating circle thermal field with a thermal source on the edge
    12Korolkova L.I., Mashrabov N.
    Analysis of production line with finite buffers and a general service term
    13Mikhaylov A.A., Bazuyeva S.A.
    Probabilistic model parameter optimization for the problem solving algorithm
    14Makarovskikh T., Savitskiy E.
    Algorithms for constructing of resource-saving paths for cutting machines
    15Терехин А.А., Золотых И.К. / Terekhin A. A., Zolotykh I.К.
    Испарительная установка обессоливания воды основанная на вихревом эффекте Ранка-Хилша
    Evaporator system of water desalination based on Ranque Hilsch vortex effect
    16Mesropyan A.V., Mityagina M.O.
    Mathematical modeling of the process of perforation with a hydraulic drilling perforator during oil and gas field development
    17Bakhvalov Y.A., Grechikhin V.V., Kraevskiy I.S.
    Synthesis of control system for actuators based on shape memory ferromagnetic alloy using inverse problem solution
    19Grinchenkov D.V., Mokhov V.A., Spiridonova I.A.
    Object-oriented approach to design of the complex mechanical system dynamics mathematical models
    20Grinchenkov D.V., Mokhov V.A., Spiridonova I.A.
    Formal method to design a macro-model of a transport vehicle mechanical system translational motion
    21Palatinskaya I.P., Pirogova N.С.
    Research of spectral influence of vibration impact on the spine of the human
    22Nadtoka I.I., Al-Zihery Balasim M.
    Mathematical modelling and short-tterm forecasting electricity consumption of the power system, taking into account air temperature and natural illumination, based on support vector machine and particle swarm
    23Гречихин В.В., Ланкин М.В., Ланкин А.М. / Grechihin V.V., Lankin M.V., Lankin A.M.
    Диагностика электромагнитов по вебер-амперной характеристике рабочего цикла
    Diagnosing electromagnets for weber-ampere characteristic of the operating cycle
    24Ткаченко Г.И., Бакланов А.Н. / Tkachenko G.I., Baklanov A.N.
    Метод резонансной последовательно-параллельной идентификации
    A method of resonant series-parallel identification
    25Bruzhas V.V., Lopatin B.A.
    Development of solid-state models for the gears of different geometry
    26Sochenkova I., Vokhmintseva A.
    Visual duplicates image search for a non-cooperative person recognition at a distance
    27Andrianov D.E., Eremeev S.V., Kuptsov K.V.
    The review of spatial objects recognition models and algorithms
    28Горбатенко Н. И., Ланкин М.В., Ланкин А.М. / Gorbatenko N.I., Lankin M.V., Lankin A.M.
    Решение обратной задачи гармонического баланса методом натурно-модельных испытаний электротехнических устройств
    The solution of the harmonic balance method of electrical devices natural-model tests inverse problem
    29Tuktamyshev V.R., Glukhov D.A., Kataev Ya.A.
    On the use of interactive electronic technical manuals for the machine builder
    30Sadykov S.S., Kulkov Y.Y.
    A study of the identification method for the test flat objects based on dimensionless signs of their contours
    31Antonov L.V., Makarov K.V., Orlov A.A.
    Development and experimental research of production data analysis algorithm in livestock enterprises
    32Latipova A.T.
    Solving linear and bilinear problems with interval uncertainty
    33Zakharov A.A., Tuzhilkin A.Yu., Zhiznyakov A.L.
    Finding correspondences between images using descriptors and graphs
    34Demchenko A.I.
    Modeling of the problem of transport network synthesis under conditions of uncertain initial information
    35Mokeev V.V., Bunova E.V.
    Perevedentceva A.V. Analysis of economic stability of enterprise with the help of eigenstate method