English | icie.rus@gmail.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
№ | Фамилии авторов, название доклада | Раздел 1. Машиностроение |
Секция 1.1. Конструирование машин и механизмов | |
1_1_1 | В.В. Клементьев Лопастной ДВС на базе кривошипно-кулисного параллелограммного преобразующего механизма: основы аналитики кинематических процессов применительно к схеме с двумя кривошипами |
1_1_3 | A.I. Ogorodnikov, O.M. Ogorodnikova, Luis F.R. Vidal Using Additive Technologies and Bio-Inspired Design to Create Fingers of Robot Gripper |
1_1_4 | I.Yu. Lavrov, K.V. Zhegera, D.V. Troshchev Designing a Construction 3-D Printer and Choosing a Kinematic Scheme for Moving the Printhead |
1_1_5 | E.A. Petrakova, N.O. Korolev, Y.I. Brovkina Topological Optimization of Gear Wheels |
1_1_7 | M.E. Nikolaev, E.Yu. Kozlovtseva, D.A. Lyashenko Front Loader with Tripod Manipulator |
1_1_8 | E.V. Balakina, A.A. Konshin, V.A. Konshin, R.R. Sanzhapov Calculation of Normal Tire Stiffness Using Wheel Rolling Radius at Design Modeling of Machine Movement |
1_1_9 | V.A. Tsvetkov, V.A. Pronin, A.V. Kovanov, A.Yu. Zhilkin, P.A. Belov Design Improvement of the In-Built Regulator of Volumetric Capacity of Single Screw Compressor |
1_1_11 | Буй Минь Хиен, А.Н. Васильев Разработка методики выбора режимов воздушно-плазменной резки листового проката из стали и алюминиевых сплавов с нестабильными свойствами |
1_1_12 | A.V. Evseev, G.V. Kasatkin, V.B. Morozov, A.O. Chechuga, I.A. Yuraskova Mathematical Modeling of the Processes of Formation of Homogeneity of Mixtures and Continuous Flow Composites |
1_1_13 | M.I. Kovalchuk, O.G. Khudasova, A.Yu. Aleynik, O.M. Shemetova Designing a Prosthesis for Animal Limbs |
1_1_14 | E. Leshkov, N. Olivenko, O. Kudryavtsev, S. Sapozhnikov Influence of Mesostructure and Notch Parameters on the Finite Elements Size in Numerical Simulations of Composite Structures Failure |
1_1_15 | I.V. Kudryavtsev Engineering Method of Supports Selection for Multi-Span Beam Structures at Free Vibration |
1_1_16 | E.V. Zenkov A Numerical Analysis of the Arch Structure for Road Lighting in Conditions of Hydraulic Structures |
1_1_17 | A.N. Bolotov, I.A. Smolyakova, L.E. Afanasieva The Effect of Magnetic Field on Cast Iron Destruction |
1_1_18 | D. Solomonov, M. Nikhamkin Fatigue Strength of Typical Structural Elements Made of Polymer Composite Material |
1_1_19 | A.V. Erpalov, K.A. Khoroshevskii, I.V. Gadolina Concepts for Processing Non-Stationary Loading for Creating Digital Twins of Full-Scale Objects from the Point of View of Durability |
1_1_20 | R.G. Kazhlaev, M.S. Pugachev, I.V. Gadolina Evaluation of the Effect Composite Samples Cyclic Loading on Their Residual Strength |
1_1_21 | Р.И. Гизатуллин Расчётная оценка применимости движителя, основанного на эффекте Бифельда-Брауна, для использования в атмосферных спутниках с точки зрения удельной тяги |
1_1_23 | В.В. Мартишкин, О.Г. Савостикова, С.Н. Юдаев О возможностях контроля надежности при эксплуатации по текущему состоянию |
Секция 1.2. Динамика машин и рабочих процессов | |
1_2_1 | V.P. Pavlov, V.M. Kudoyarova, L.R. Nusratullina Mathematical Modeling of Transverse Vibrations for Cantilever Rod of Constant Cross Section with Longitudinal Force |
1_2_3 | V. Sokolov, O. Krol, P. Tsankov Stability Assessment of the Movement Velocity for Hydraulic Drive Output Link Under Variable Load Conditions |
1_2_4 | V.S. Popov, D.V. Kondratov, A.A. Popova, T.S. Kondratova, M.V. Popova Modeling Aeroelastic Response of the Channel Wall Having the Suspension with the Softening Cubic Nonlinearity |
1_2_5 | Sh. Buzikov, M. Motovilova, О. Buzikova Evaluating the Influence of Fuel Compressibility on the Dynamics of the Tractor Diesel Fuel Supply Process |
1_2_6 | M.R. Gimadeev, V.A. Stelmakov, E.A. Shelenok, M.V. Uliskov Experimental Study of Ball Milling Process Dynamics by Means of Vibroacoustic Monitoring |
1_2_7 | R. Rakhmatov, A. Bokarev, E. Martynov Method of Improvement of Vehicle Vibroacoustic (NVH) Comfort when Crossing Single Irregularities |
1_2_8 | R.I. Rakhmatov, V.A. Kulagin Simulation and Experimental Research Aimed at Forecasting Internal Noise When Driving a Vehicle on Special-Type Roads |
1_2_9 | R. Rakhmatov Procedure to Determine Installation Places for 3-Axis Accelerometers and Optimal Excitation Points of Vehicle Body |
1_2_10 | S. Laptev Obtaining a Universal Generalization on the Hydraulic Resistance of a High-Intensity Device for the Interaction of a Gas-Liquid Flow Using a Controlled Vortex |
1_2_11 | Е.А. Митюшов, Н.Е. Мисюра, Е.Ю. Раскатов, С.Е. Петров Имитационная модель рабочей клети стана ДУО |
1_2_13 | В.А. Дунаев, Д.В. Сладков, И.В. Дунаева Программный комплекс для определения параметров динамических процессов в потоках газа |
1_2_14 | A.N. Savkin, A.A. Sedov, K.A. Badikov, А.А. Baryshnikov Modeling of Fatigue Crack Growth Kinetics under Biharmonic Loading |
1_2_15 | A.A. Molchanov, V.N. Kalinin Comparative Analysis of Methods for Assessing the Natural Characteristics of a Cutting Tool as a Partial System |
1_2_16 | G.A. Kushner The Application of Modal Analysis for Dynamic Systems of Ship`s Shaft Lines |
1_2_17 | V. Belovodskiy, S. Bukin A New Principle of Generating Polyharmonic Oscillations in Vibrating Machines |
1_2_18 | L.V. Plotnikov, D.A. Davydov, D.N. Krasilnikov, V.A. Shurupov, L.E. Osipov Experimental Study of Gas Dynamics and Heat Transfer of a Stationary Flow in Exhaust Pipelines with Different Cross-Sectional Shapes |
1_2_20 | O.Yu. Sumenkov, A.I. Artyunin Sticking Effect Simulation of a Pendulum, Mounted on Mechanical System Rotating Shaft |
1_2_21 | A.V. Eliseev, N.K. Kuznetsov Theoretical Foundations for Modeling Elastic Interaction Modes of Elements of Vibration Technological Machines Taking into Account Unilateral Ties |
1_2_23 | V.V. Devyatiarova, A.A. Gerasimova, I.I. Basyrov, E.E. Balakhnina, M.F. Buzaev Improving the Efficiency of Cone Crushers in the Mining Industry |
1_2_24 | T.A. Levina, A.P. Adylina, Ya.M. Glukhikh Analysis, Synthesis and State Optimization Methods for Operation Dynamics of Contacts Facilitating AI Application in Machine Engineering |
1_2_25 | В.Л. Лапшин, Е.В. Зеньков Механореологическая модель для описания механики взаимодействия деформируемых упругопластических тел и динамики рабочих процессов |
1_2_27 | K.A. Badikov, A.N. Savkin, V.V. Tikhaeva, D.Yu. Abalkhan Fatigue Crack Growth in Titanium Alloys under Cyclic Loading |
1_2_28 | V.A. Krutova, A.L. Ozyabkin, K.A. Fedotov Mathematical Model of the Axial Gearbox of the ADM-1.3 Railcar Using the Recursive Least-Squares Method |
Секция 1.3. Трение, смазка, износ машин | |
1_3_2 | E.V. Fominov, V.E. Gvindjiliya, C.G. Shuchev, S.A. Debeeva, T.V. Lavrenova The Influence of Evolutionary Changes in Tribodeformation Parameters of the Turning Process on the Temperature of the Working Surfaces of the Cutter |
1_3_3 | A. Bolotov, O. Novikova, V. Novikov Effect of Magnetostrictive Change in Magnetoplast Roughness During Friction |
1_3_4 | A.N. Zayatzev Justification for the Selection of Low Friction/Anti-Seize Coatings in Applying Bolted Joints of Fusion Experimental Reactors |
1_3_5 | V.I. Kolesnikov, O.V. Kudryakov, I.V. Kolesnikov, V.N. Varavka Comparative Wear Analysis of Ion Plasma Coatings Based on Adhesion Properties During Sliding Friction |
1_3_6 | R.V. Gavariev, K.N. Gavarieva Increasing the Wear Resistance of Structural Elements of Foundry Tooling |
1_3_7 | Ya. Lagunova, V. Makarova, P. Pobegailo Experimental Mechanics in Relation to Mining Excavators |
1_3_9 | K. Gavrilov, I. Umurzakov, Y. Rozhdestvensky, A. Rulevsky, V. Kislukhin Texturing a High-Pressure Fuel Pump Plunger Pair for Common Rail Fuel Supply Systems |
1_3_10 | O.A. Belyak, V.I. Kolesnikov, T.V. Suvorova Stress-Strain State of Heterogeneous Fluid-Saturated Composites under Dynamic Impacts |
1_3_13 | S. Tsareva, A. Shcherbakova, M. Ugryumova, A. Chernyavskaya, V. Kruglova Adaptation of the Analysis of Variance in the Validation and Verification of Methods for Performing Wear Measurements in Diesel Oil in The Plane of Improving the Measurements Quality |
Секция 1.4. Конструкторско-технологическое обеспечение машиностроительных производств | |
1_4_2 | L. Vainer, Yu. Gamolya, M. Nagorkin Structural and Parametric Analysis and Synthesis of the Shaping System for Wheel Dressing of a Face Grinding Machine |
1_4_3 | P.I. Kalandarov, A.N. Khayitov , H.S. Sharifov The Electrophysical Method of Grain Grinding is Based on Mathematical Models |
1_4_4 | V.V. Lyashenko, A.V. Muratov, D.D. Lyashenko Loss Reduction in Tooling Service of Locomotive Repair Depot |
1_4_5 | V.F. Bulavin, E.V. Bulavina, I.N. Pavlov, D.V. Koshutin Digital Engineering at Small Businesses |
1_4_6 | P.I. Kalandarov, H.S. Sharifov, A. N. Khayitov Diagnostics of Technological Machines of Grain Processing Enterprises |
1_4_8 | E. Kolganova, V. Grishchenko, O. Kotenko, V. Antonenko, G. Sanamyan Providing Operability of Electromechanical Sensors Through Vibration Stabilization Part Treatment |
1_4_9 | M. Alsigar, M. Alhafadhi, P. Pereverzev Developing Optimal Automated Cycles for Achieving Maximum Efficiency Using Dynamic Programming |
1_4_10 | D.V. Ardashev, A.S. Zhukov Technological Features of Manufacturing a High Precision Spool Pair |
1_4_12 | R.I. Rakhmatov, A.V. Zharkov Performance Enhancement of Car Body Structural Analysis and Optimization with Model Reduction in MSC Nastran |
1_4_13 | А.Ю. Логинов, И.Н. Обабков Организация работы с электронной конструкторской документацией по стандартам ЕСКД в современных информационных системах |
1_4_14 | E. Frolov, A. Rogachev, D. Kraynev, Zh. Tikhonova, V. Strazhev Automatic Turning Modes Assignment System |
1_4_15 | А.S. Pyatykh, А.V. Savilov, А-М.I. Martynenko A Study of the Stress-Strain State of a Pedicle Screw |
1_4_16 | N.N. Petrova, E.N. Timofeeva, V.V. Mukhin, A.V. Morozov, R.I. Pankratiev Analysis of Elastomer Performance in Cold Climates and Off-Road Vehicles Full-Scale Tests |
1_4_17 | V.A. Uskov, V.V. Solokhnenko, D.S. Burtsev, A.A. Ponomarev, A.D. Ogneva Accuracy of Electromagnetic Field Description in Induction Heating Systems |
1_4_19 | S. Ivannikov, I. Manaenkov, M. Krutyakova Methods for Ensuring Parametric Reliability of Process Equipment |
1_4_21 | S.V. Lukina, O.P. Kuprianova, V.V. Makarov The Method of Calculating Optimal Recovery Parameters for Internal Broaches |
Секция 1.5. Конструирование машин и механизмов | |
1_5_1 | V.A. Krutova, D.S. Frolova Conclusion of Dependences Specifying the Formation of Acoustic Characteristics of the Movement of Rolling Stock in a Residential Area |
1_5_2 | I. Madyshev, O. Dmitrieva, I. Sannikov, A. Mayasova, V. Kharkov Droplet Separation Efficiency of Vortex Chamber for Circulating Water Cooling |
1_5_3 | V.A. Ryzhikov Wheel Hub Bearing with Supportive Elastic Ring |
1_5_5 | A. Gritsenko, M. Bityukov, E. Tsybunov, D. Nevolin Investigation of Performance Parameters During Test Control of Fuel Pumps of Modern Automotive Equipment |
1_5_6 | K.K. Abishev, A.Zh. Kassenov, V.S. Yessaulkov, S.B. Kokin, A.A. Rakisheva Some Issues Regarding the Enhancement of Technical and Economic Performance of Electric Vehicles |
1_5_7 | V.A. Krutova, A.A. Porchesko Simulation of Vibrations in the Frames of Overhead Cranes |
1_5_9 | N. Ovchinnikov, I. Naumov Improving Structural Strength of Passenger Vehicle in Case of Roll-Over by Making Changes to Design |
1_5_10 | A. Pankov, O. Pankova Use of Pneumatic Transport in the Inhibited Dense Layer Mode for Industrial Technological Processes |
1_5_13 | T.D. Mnatsakanyan, V.V. Bulychev, A.A. Vasiliev, S.A. Golubina, V.A. Nosov Justification and Calculation for Drive of a Small Utility Vehicle for All-Season Road Maintenance |
Секция 1.6. Механическая обработка материалов | |
1_6_1 | J.A. Yvon Nkeoua, Yu.L. Chigirinsky, О.А. Kursin, А.А. Zhdanov, М.Yu. Polyanchikova Cryogenic Hardening to Improve the Efficiency of the Honing Process When Machining Parts Made from Low-Carbon Steel |
1_6_3 | A.S. Metel, А.M. Migranov, K.A. Garifullin, A.P. Malahinskiy, D.S. Repin High-Speed Milling of Heat-Resistant Alloys with Tools with High-Entropy Wear-Resistant Coatings |
1_6_4 | V.A. Lebedev, S.Yu. Shtyn, I.D. Kukarkin The Parts Corrosion Resistance Dependence on the Adhesive Strength of Zinc-Based Vibrational Mechanochemical Coatings |
1_6_5 | Д.В. Чащилов, З.Г. Сакошев, В.Д. Чащилова, К.С. Манухина, И.Н. Павлов Определение механических характеристик лубяного слоя стебля крапивы Urtica dioica L. после механической обработки |
1_6_7 | O. Kozhus, G. Barsukov, T. Zhuravleva, A. Petrukhin, E. Tinyakova Modeling of Surfactant Influence on Liquid Velocity in the Channel of The Focusing Tube of the Nozzle of a Waterjet Unit |
1_6_8 | S.N. Grigoriev, M.Sh. Migranov, S.R. Shekhtman, N.A. Sukhova, A.S. Gusev Synthesizing High-Entropy Cutting Tool Coatings Using the Magnetron Sputtering Method |
1_6_9 | M.S. Mayer, S.K. Rudnev, E.V. Suvorova Profilometry as a Tool for Cutting Process Analysis |
Секция 1.7. Оборудование и технологии обработки металлов давлением | |
1_7_1 | Е.А. Галактионова, П.А. Петров, Функциональная зависимость сопротивления деформации углеродистой стали 45 на основе натурного и вычислительного эксперимента |
1_7_2 | E. Romashkov, S. Krylova, I. Kurnoskin, A. Fot Analysis of the Thermophysical State of a Heavily Loaded Injection Molding Machine Tool |
1_7_4 | V. Lapshin, I. Turkin, V. Bykador Temperature-Cutting Force Interconnectivity Studies Through the Evolution of Cutting Tools for the Construction of Virtual Models of Digital Twins |
1_7_5 | Yu.Yu. Komarov, A.Yu. Omarov, L.H. Khalilova, R.L. Shatalov The Effect of Contact Friction on the Formation of the Rolling Force and the Width Along the Length of the Strips of Non-Ferrous Metal Alloys |
1_7_6 | С.П. Рулин, П.А. Петров Математическое моделирование операции прямого выдавливания осесимметричной заготовки из алюминиевого сплава в сферическую матрицу |
1_7_7 | R.V. Gavariev, K.N. Gavarieva, A.S. Kirsanov To the Question of Manufacturing Wire for Cold Bulk Metal Forming: A Review |
1_7_8 | А.А. Гневашев, И.А. Бурлаков, П.А. Петров Исследование течения металла при горячем изотермическом выдавливании поковки детали -Поршень- на основе вычислительного эксперимента |
1_7_9 | O. Biryukova, A. Pesin Improving the Mechanical Properties of Laminated Aluminum Composite 5083/6061 During Asymmetric Accumulative Roll Bonding |
1_7_10 | A. Barysnikova, L. Nosov Development of Asymmetric Cold Rolling Technology of Low Carbon Steel Grades in Order to Increase the Thickness of the Hot Rolled Strip |
1_7_11 | L.V. Radionova, R.A. Lisovskiy, S.S. Khlamkova, D.V. Gromov, L.A. Glebov Deformation Behavior оf Pure Zinc under Uniaxial Compression |
1_7_55 | Ю.Ю. Комаров, А.Ю. Омаров, Л.Г. Халилова, Р.Л. Шаталов Влияние контактного трения на формирование силы прокатки и ширины по длине полос сплавов цветных металлов |
Секция 1.8. Оборудование и технологии сварочного и аддитивного производства | |
1_8_1 | Dawei Zhao, Yu. Bezgans, L. Glebov Investigating How Welding Heat Input Affects the Microstructure and Tensile Properties of BH 220 GMAW Joints |
1_8_3 | Y.G. Lyudmirskii, S.V. Nescoromniy, S.S. Assaulenko Bilateral Formation of a Seam During One-Sided Welding of a Tee Joint of a Pipe with a Strip |
1_8_5 | R.V. Gavariev, K.N. Gavarieva The Physical Essence of the Method of Physical Vapor Deposition and the Equipment for its Application |
1_8_6 | D. Erutin, A. Popovich, V. Sufiiarov Layer-by-Layer Synthesis of Functionally Graded Amorphous-Nanocrystalline Cobalt-Based Alloy via Selective Laser Melting |
1_8_7 | M. Silensky, R. Latypov, K. Greshilov, L. Andreeva, A. Razin Modeling the Process of Laser Cladding of HPT Blade Scallops |
1_8_11 | R.A. Latypov, D.K. Starovoitov, A.A. Cherepakhin Laser Welding of Parts Made of Ek-61 Alloy Made by Direct Laser Growing Method | Раздел 2. Материаловедение и технологии промышленного производства |
2_1_1 | Е.А. Яценко, А.И. Изварин, Л.В. Климова, В.С. Романюк, О.А. Старовойтова Исследование процесса щелочной активации пористых геополимеров строительного назначения |
2_1_2 | Е.А. Яценко, Б.М. Гольцман, Ю.В. Новиков, В.Д. Ткаченко, С. Чаудхари Исследование процессов получения и свойств механохимически активированных геополимерных бетонов на основе гранулированного молотого доменного шлака |
2_1_3 | А.В. Рябова, В.М. Курдашов, В.А. Смолий, П.О. Орловский, А.И. Старовойтов Исследование влияния вида порообразователя на физико-механические свойства пористых геополимеров |
2_1_5 | Д.В. Чащилов, З.Г. Сакошев, Р.А. Назмутдинов, А.А. Кораблин, Л.А. Злочевский Изучение механических свойств стебля мискантуса Miscanthus sacchariflorus при растяжении, как оценка армирующего наполнителя композиционных материалов |
2_1_6 | М.Ю. Козенко, А.Н. Гайдадин, Е.А. Дьяченко Исследование Механических Свойств Материала Polyketon, Применяемого В 3D Печати |
2_1_14 | Т. Дайюб, А.В. Максимкин Влияние химической модификации на механические, трибологические и адгезионные свойства ориентированных лент СВМПЭ |
2_2_3 | Д. С. Елисеев Влияние наночастиц нитрида алюминия на структуру и свойства гранулируемого сплава ЭП741НП |
2_3_1 | Ф.Р. Исмагилов, Д.В. Максудов Многофакторная математическая модель озонатора сотовой структуры |
2_3_2 | Л.М. Каримова, Е.Т. Кайралапов, Г.К. Макашева, Е.М. Харченко Исследования по извлечению рения и крем-ния при гидрометаллургической переработке отвальных медных хвостов |
2_5_1 | О.П. Богдан, А.В. Блинова, Л.А. Денисов Методы акустического контроля пористых материалов |
2_5_2 | А.П. Владимиров Спекл-диагностика деградации сплава Д16 при одно-, мало-, много-, и гига- цикловом нагружении |
2_5_3 | О.Ю. Саяпин, Ю.В. Мясоедов Разработка цифровой модели контура регулирования температуры водородного реактора | Раздел 3. Энергетика |
Секция 3.1. Интеллектуальные системы электроснабжения | |
3_1_1 | D.D. Issabekov, O.M. Talipov Resource-Saving Current Protections for Electrical Installations |
3_1_2 | A. Kryukov, I. Ovechkin, K. Suslov Modeling the Double Earth Fault Conditions in Railway Power Supply Systems |
3_1_3 | O.Yu. Maryasin, A. Plohotnyuk Structure and Sizing Optimization of a Multi-Energy System with Local Energy Sources |
3_1_5 | A. M. Gataullin D. F. Gubaev R. V. Gataullina Pre-Breakdown Condition of Insulation Recognition by Partial Discharges Characteristics |
3_1_6 | Yu. N. Kondrashova, A. M. Tretyakov, A. V. Shalimov Analysis and Calculation of Damage from Power Line Failures in Urban and Rural Power Grids |
3_1_7 | Ilgiz F. Galiev, Shamil R. Yakhin, Marsel Sh. Garifullin Assessment of Reliability and Efficiency of Power Supply Schemes Taking Into Account the Factors of Short-Term Power Supply Disruptions |
3_1_8 | Dmitry A. Ivanov, Tatyana G. Galieva, Aidar I. Vagapov Localization of Insulation Defects in High-Voltage Equipment Using the Visual-Acoustic Method |
3_1_9 | N. N. Kononova, M. D. Krasko, V. V. Bezin Increasing the Sensitivity of Current Protection of Distribution Networks 6-10 Kv Based on Linear Voltage Measurements |
3_1_10 | Liudmila Gurina, Tatsiana Zoryna Cyber-Physical Microgrid: Development Trends, Digitalization Directions, Management Features |
3_1_11 | Danil Yaroslavsky Van Vu Nguyen Nikolay Andreev Methodology for Designing a System of Nondestructive Testing of the Technical Condition of Substation Equipment Insulation Based on the Solution of the Problem of Localizing the Discharge Sources |
3_1_12 | Sergey S. Kostinskiy Method for Calculating Efficiency of Distribution Transformers Using Semi-Constant Coefficients and Taking Into Account Interdependence of its Parameters and Magnitude and Nature of Load of Power Supply Facility |
3_1_13 | Andrey P. Chervonenko, Denis A. Kotin, Georgii S. Sidorov Fast Automatic Transfer Switch with Energy Storage |
3_1_14 | Sergey S. Kostinsky Rationale for use of Grade I-III Distribution Transformer Efficiency Calculation Technique Taking Into Account Correlations Between Their Parameters and Amount and Type of Power Supply Load |
3_1_15 | Aleksey Kuvshinov, Julia Chernenko, Oleg Fedyai Resistor-Thyristor Geoinduced Current Protection for Power Transformer |
3_1_16 | O. N. Kuzykov, E. P. Vlasova Digital Protection of Electric Motor |
3_1_17 | Artem Kudryavtsev, Ivan Pavlov, Violetta Zatsepina Integration of a DC-Based Power Supply System Into a Residential |
3_1_18 | Svetlana Vyalkova, Ivan Nadtoka, Olga Kornyukova Machine Learning for Power Consumption Forecasting |
3_1_19 | A. I. Vlasov, K. V. Selivanov, M. M. Tsarev The Limits of the Efficiency of the Pyramid Sorting Algorithm for Energy System Indicators |
3_1_21 | Vladimir D. Lebedev, Denis G. Grigorev, Nataliya V. Kuzmina Processing Signals in Digital Current Measuring Transformers to Quickly Obtain the Vector for RPA Purposes |
3_1_22 | Aleksey Evdakov, Andrey Yablokov, Galina Filatova Investigation of the Use of Rogowski Coils for Power Direction Relays in Fast Automatic Bus Transfer |
3_1_23 | Denis Petrushin, Matvei Mikheev, Alexandra Bolshakova Selecting the Setting Parametrs and Functioning Algorithms of Device Instability Prevention Automation By Example Local Automatic Action Adjustment of Distribution Center 330 Kv Kamennyj Bor |
3_1_24 | Evgenii Barakhtenko, Natalia Aizenberg, Gleb Mayorov Interaction of Prosumers Cooperating in an Integrated Energy System |
3_1_25 | M. K. Arabov A. F. Nazipova R. A. Burnashev Algorithm Application of Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Energy Demand |
3_1_27 | Igor Ivanov, Yaroslav Umnov, Anastasya Kraykina Fault Location and Monitoring of Open Phase Conditions on 500 kV Transmission Lines with Synchrophasor Measurements |
3_1_28 | Dmitry S. Osipov, Alexander G. Lyutarevich, Vsevolod A. Tkachenko Algorithm of Automatic Tuning for Ground-Fault Neutralizer in Distributing Mains |
3_1_29 | Alexander Fedotov, Azat Akhmetshin, Viktor Kulakov Development of Regulatory Requirements for Calculation of Electrical Loads of Residential Complexes |
3_1_30 | Yuri Soluyanov, Azat Akhmetshin, Vladimir Khalturin Development of Regulatory Requirements for Calculation of Electrical Loads of Schools and Kindergartens |
Секция 3.2. Малая распределенная энергетика | |
3_2_1 | R.A. Maleev, E.A. Ryabykh, Y.M. Shmatkov Research of the Capacitor System of the Electric Starter Starters for Internal Combustion Engines |
3_2_2 | T. Galieva, M. Sadykov, A. Lyubishchev The Use of the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) as a Way to Register Partial Discharges |
3_2_3 | P. Ilyushin, S. Shavlovskiy, S. Filippov Maintaining Reliable Operation of Isolated Power Districts with Industrial Loads through Use of Hybrid Power Storage Systems |
3_2_4 | E. Klimov, R. Maleev, A. Filin Studies of a Traction Electric Drive with a Combined Energy Storage Device |
3_2_5 | Liqun Guo, A. G. Vaskov Analysis of the Requirements of Technical Standards for Grid-Connected Distributed Power Sources |
3_2_6 | Olga V. Gazizova, Aleksandr E. Morshchakin, Danil A. Dyakov Increasing the Stability of a Plant When Supplying Power to a Variable Load |
3_2_7 | Aleksandra V. Varganova, Dmitry A. Petrov, Danil O. Pozin, Elena S. Chizhikova The Optimal Cross Sections Method of Choosing the Conductors 35-220 Kv of Power Supply Networks |
3_2_8 | Elizaveta Ivanova, Felix Byk Innovative Technologies for Utility Power System |
3_2_9 | Ruslan Rachmatullin, Timur Musaev, Oleg Fedorov 6(10) kV Reclosers Location Selection Method to Increase the Consumer Power Supply Reliability |
Секция 3.3. Возобновляемая энергетика | |
3_3_1 | T. Shestopalova, G. Deriugina, E. Ignatev Research of the Wind Asynchrony Impact on the Efficiency Indicators of the Wind Power Complex in the Rostov Region |
3_3_2 | P. Ilyushin, I. Georgievsky, E. Boyko Maintaining Improving Control Response of Generators at Conventional Power Plants for Power Systems with Integrated Wind and Solar Power Plants |
3_3_3 | Т.Ю. Колбина Численное исследование трехмерного поля течения реагентов и теплоносителя в биполярной пластине |
3_3_5 | Evgeni A. Denisenko Nikolay S. Barakin Andrey V. Kvitko SIMINTECH-Based Computer Modeling for Solar Power Plant |
3_3_6 | Mikhail Lemeshko, Alexsander Lemeshko Method of Desalination of Seawater in a Solar Collector |
3_3_8 | Igor Kovalenko, Vyacheslav Kozhemyakin, Vladimir Tremyasov Assessing the Reliability of Small Hydropower Plant Generation Systems using Markov Processes |
3_3_9 | Stefan V. Onishchenko Aliy R. Mamiy Konstantin А. Yurkaev Development of Hardware Module for Collecting Parameters of Microhydroelectric Power Plant Operation in Mountainous Conditions |
3_3_10 | Grigory I. Parfenov, Nikolay N. Smirnov, Vladimir V. Tyutikov Energy Efficiency of Using Heat-Reflecting Screens with Solar Photovoltaic Panels in Windows |
3_3_11 | Muhayo Toshkhodzhaeva, Elena Gracheva, Shakhboz Dadabaev Modeling of Electrical Power System with Distributed Generation Source |
3_3_12 | Nikolay Mestnikov, Ahmad Alzakkar, Yuri Samofalov Implementation Assessment of Tracker Installations in Solar Power Plants under Conditions of the Russian Far North |
3_3_13 | Nikolay Mestnikov, Ahmad Alzakkar, Yuri Samofalov The Influence of Ambient Temperature on the Functioning of a Photovoltaic Installation in the Northern Part of the Russian Far East |
3_3_14 | Nikolay Mestnikov, Ahmad Alzakkar , Yuri Samofalov Study of Using Photovoltaic Solar Installations Inside a Dome Structure Under Conditions of the Russian Far North |
3_3_15 | Galina Deriugina, Evgenii Ignatev, Dmitry Kornev Wind Turbines Wake Models Comparison |
3_3_18 | Ksenia Andreeva, Anastasia Vasileva, Victor Kharitonov Impact of a Partial Solar Eclipse on Electricity Generation |
3_3_19 | Vladimir Khokhlov Nikolai Yarda Increasing the Efficiency of Operating Modes of Power Installations and Structures of Pumped Storage Power Plants |
3_3_20 | Tatiana A. Volkova, Jing Ou, Radik R. Kalimullin Development Prospects of Small Hydroelectric Power Plants |
3_3_21 | M.I. Malsagov, G.R. Titova The Concept of an Autonomous Microgrid Powered by Renewable Energy Sources |
3_3_22 | Temirkhan Isaev, Ruslan Tsgoev Analysis of Wind Potential of the Republic of Dagestan and Energy Characteristics of the Caspian Sea Coastline |
3_3_23 | Haider M. Jassim, Mikhail Mudrov, Anatolii Zyuzev Hybrid Solar-Based Power Supply for a Stacker Crane System |
Секция 3.4. Качество электрической энергии и электромагнитная совместимость | |
3_4_2 | Aleksei V. Vyngra, Boris A. Avdeev Development of an Active Filter Control Program for Improving the Power Quality of Smart Grids |
3_4_3 | Boris A. Avdeev, Alexei V. Vyngra, Vyacheslav A. Sobolev Improving the Power Quality at the Input of a Solid-State Transformer Using a Power Factor Correction |
3_4_4 | Oleg V. Vorkunov, Lyubov A. Glotkina, Alexey M. Sinicin Short-Circuit Current Limitation |
3_4_5 | Alexander S. Semenov Analyzing Impacts of Higher Harmonics on Electricity Quality Parameters at Mining Facilities |
3_4_7 | Timur I. Tretyakov, Ilya I. Nikolayev, Anastasia A. Drozdova A Software Designed to Generate Transistor Models with Interconnections |
3_4_8 | Ksenia N. Abramova, Anastasiya A. Drozdova, Maxim E. Komnatnov Influence of Conductor Arrangement on Different Layers of the Printed Circuit Board Under its Exposure to Electrostatic Discharge |
3_4_9 | Aleksandr Komyakov, Viktor Tarasevich, Lubov Bartel Simulation Modeling of a Booster Transformer Operation in the Railway Traction Power Supply System |
3_4_11 | V. M. Zavyalov, A. S. Velilyaev, N. N. Smoktal Study of Electromagnetic Compatibility of a Voltage Sensor Based on a System of Galvanically Coupled Bodies with a Wireless Energy Transmission System |
3_4_12 | Anton A. Ivanov, Nikita Ju. Shajmanov, Maxim E. Komnatnov Analytical Model for Evaluating Shielding Effectiveness of an Enclosure with an Aperture Covered by a Metal Plate |
3_4_15 | Aleksey A. Kvasnikov, Aleksandr E. Maksimov, Anton A. Ivanov Combined Model for Calculating Resistance Matrix for Signal Integrity Analysis Considering Losses in Transmission Line Conductors |
3_4_16 | К.В. Менакер, И.Е. Ивагин, Т.В. Ежиков, Д.А. Дейс, Д.М. Суворов Повышение надежности работы аппаратуры железнодородной автоматики при грозовых перенапряжениях |
3_4_17 | Indira Y. Sagiyeva, Bakhtiyar E. Nurkhan, Talgat R. Gazizov Verification of Computer Simulation of Temperature Influence on Microstrip Line Characteristics |
3_4_18 | Andrey A. Ivanov, Sergey V. Kakaurov, Ivan F.Suvorov A Physical Model for the Study of Losses in Networks Up to 1000V, Taking Into Account Harmonics with Different Modes of Operation of Neutral Power Transformers |
3_4_19 | Evgeniya B. Chernikova The Influence of Asymmetry on the Appearance of Combinational Pulses in Transmission Lines with Inhomogeneous Dielectric Filling |
3_4_21 | Alexander Kornev, Dmitriy Petukhov, Anton Belousov Protecting the Engine Speed Controller Board of Uav Against Conducted Uwb Pulses |
3_4_22 | Yu. N. Kondrashova, A. M. Tretyakov, A. V. Shalimov Estimation Economic Damage and Efficiency of Electrical Equipment Taking into Account the Higher Harmonics at the Mining Enterprise |
3_4_23 | Boris Utkin, Nikolay Grachev, Mikhail Utkin Method for Quality Control of Electronic Equipment Units Assembly Based on the Analysis of the Contact Radio Interference Level |
3_4_24 | Alexandr M. Lakoza, Valerii P. Kosteletskii Evaluation of the Efficiency of Conductor Placement Under Different Types of Pulse Interference in Differential and Common Modes |
3_4_25 | Zinnur Gizatullin, Ramis Mubarakov Prediction of the Magnitude of Lightning Impulse Interference in an Electronic Device Using an Artificial Neural Network |
3_4_26 | E. S. Lyuminarskaya, S. E. Lyuminarsky, I. E. Lyuminarsky Mathematical Model to Define Electric Capacity of Transient Region of Electrical Contacts |
3_4_27 | E. Yu. Puzina, I. A. Khudonogov, M.I. Krapivin Ensuring the Required Voltage Level for Consumers of the Circum-Baikal Railway Section |
3_4_28 | Talgat R. Gazizov, Van D. Nguyen, Adnan A. Hasan Complex Analysis of IEMI in Grounding Circuits of Critical Equipment: Preliminary Results |
3_4_29 | Ekaterina V. Voronina, Andrey V. Kryukov, Aleksandr V.Cherepanov Modeling of Electromagnetic Fields of Traction Networks Considering the Influence of Metal Supports of the Portal Type |
3_4_32 | Maria A. Samoylichenko Optimal Switching Order of a Reflection-Symmetric Flexible Printed Cable with Multiple Modal Reservation |
3_4_33 | Maria A. Samoylichenko Optimization of a Double-Sided Flexible Printed Cable |
3_4_34 | Zinnur Gizatullin, Ramis Mubarakov Predicting the Magnitude of Electrostatic Discharge Interference in an Electronic Device Using an Artificial Neural Network |
3_4_35 | Evgeniya B. Chernikova Multivariate Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Line with Combinational Pulses in Time Response |
3_4_36 | Vera V. Vakhnina, Aleksey A. Kuvshinov, Aleksey N. Chernenko Protecting Radial Electric Grid from Geoinduced Currents |
Секция 3.5. Силовая электроника, электрические машины и электроприводы | |
3_5_1 | Ajgul R. Suleimanova, Rustem R. Vildanov Study of Aging and Determination of Optimum Hydrocarbon Composition of Transformer Oil |
3_5_3 | V.V. Vakhnina, E.V. Markov Developing Fuzzy Model Using the Key Gas Method to Determine the Defects Occurring in Oil Power Transformers |
3_5_4 | R.T. Khazieva, D.R. Kurmieva Development of a Solar Power Plant for Heating an Oil Pipeline for High-temperature Climatic Conditions |
3_5_5 | R.T. Khazieva Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant Design |
3_5_9 | A.V. Shestakov Optimization of Mass and Dimensional Indicators of an Alternating Current Commutator Motor Using Experimental Design |
3_5_11 | Nikolay Malev, Azat Mukhametshin Research of Transient Modes of a Servo Drive with a Second-Order Gradient Control Algorithm |
3_5_12 | Pavel Iskra, Violetta Zatsepina, Evgeny Zatsepin Measurements of Insulation Parameter C3 on Installed, Faulted Line Bushings |
3_5_13 | Alexandr D. Petrushin, Murоt Tulyaganov Optimal Control of the Switched Reluctance Motor of High-Speed Rail Transport with an On-Board Energy Source |
3_5_15 | R. A. Maleev, M. A. Aleksuk, V.N. Kagdin Alternate Current Sources in Electric Start Systems in Internal Combustion Engines |
3_5_16 | Sergey Volskiy, Sergey German-Galkin, Aleksandr Kornev Two-Phase Power Converter for Electrodynamic Vibration System |
3_5_17 | Andrey Makshanov, A. A. Musaev, D. A. Grigoriev Early Detection of Discrepancies in Multichannel Monitoring Systems |
3_5_20 | Vladimir Dmitrievskii, Vladimir Prakht, Vadim Kazakbaev Traction Synchronous Machine with Rotor Field Winding and Controlled Magnetic Anisotropy |
3_5_21 | N. L. Mikhalchuk Electric Drive of a Single-Phase DC Electric Locomotive with Adaptive Excitation and Axial Traction Control |
3_5_22 | Elizaveta V. Koniushenko, Ilias Rahmanov, Oleg N. Molokanov Analysis of the Effectiveness of Using a Synchronous Generator with Integrated Torque Transformer |
3_5_23 | Oxana Yushkova, Ildus Sayakhov, Iskander Garipov Switched Reluctance Electrical Machine Design with Elements of Parametric Optimization |
3_5_24 | Elza R. Enikeeva, Elza А. Gilyazieva Research of Operating Modes of a Variable Frequency Electric Drive to Improve Energy Efficiency |
3_5_25 | A. E. Mikhailov, V. V. Eremenko, D. G. Krasnoperov A Study on Electric Motor Stator Liquid Cooling Jacket Designed for Additive Manufacturing |
3_5_26 | Ildus Sayakhov, Iskander Garipov, Oxana Yushkova Design, Calculation and Selection of Materials for Electrical Machines with Permanent Magnets |
3_5_27 | A. V. Isaev, A. I. Nefed’ev, I. A. Isaev Operating Modes Analysis of an Asynchronous Motor in the Pumping Unit Drive under Increased Load Conditions |
3_5_28 | Timur Petrov, Yulian Kadyrmyatov, Leonid Dolomanyuk Working with Dvt Customer Software when Interacting with a Training Stand Simulating the Operation of an Electric Vehicle |
3_5_29 | Vasiliy Basenko, Sergey Kuzmin, Zumeira Shakurova Features of the Work of the Training Stand “Electric Vehicle Motor” when Determining the Operating Characteristics of Electric Vehicles |
3_5_30 | Iurii Plotnikov, Vladimir Polyakov, Alena Savosina Using an Energy Storage System Based on Supercapacitors for Smoothing the Peak Loads in a Variable-Frequency Tram Electric Drive |
3_5_31 | Vyacheslav E. Vavilov, Rafael A. Kilmetov, Artur R. Khakimyanov Electronic Speed Controller of Collectorless Dc Motors of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
3_5_32 | Olga A. Filina, Khalil F. Vakhitov, Olga V. Salnikova Laboratory Testing of Collector Characteristics |
3_5_34 | Evgenij Koptjaev, Antonio J. Marques Cardoso Study of Brushless Generator with Multi-Pole Rotor for Direct-Drive Wind Turbines |
3_5_35 | Dmitriy Sorokin, Sergey Volskiy, Yury Skorokhod The Study of Using Various Types of Twelfth-Pulse Rectifier for DC Link of Power Converter |
3_5_36 | Arseniy V.Kuterman, Oleg A.Morozov The Effects of Permanent Magnet Rounding on the Performance Characteristics of Synchronous Motor with Permanent Magnets |
3_5_38 | Ilias Rahmanov, Elizaveta V. Koniushenko, Alexei S. Kulakov Research on the Applicability of Cable Sectional Windings as an Alternative to Windings Made of Winding Wire for High-Speed Servo Motors has been Conducted |
3_5_40 | Evgenij Koptjaev, Antonio J. Marques Cardoso A Single-Phase Monopolar Generator |
3_5_41 | I. V.Gavrus, A. A.Yakovenko, A. N.Yatsenko Heating Device for Thermal Migration of Local Zones Through Silicon Plates with a Diameter of Up to 100 mm |
3_5_42 | Oleg Molokanov Sinusoidal vs. Unipolar Current Supply of Rolling Rotor Electrical Machine |
3_5_43 | Alexsandr A. Afanasyev, Valery S. Genin, Lidia N. Vasileva, Nadezhda N. Ivanova Calculation of Magnetoelectric Brushless DC Electric Motor in Polar Coordinates |
3_5_44 | Aleksandr Kostenko, Ekaterina Kurbatova, Yurii Kulayev Development of a Numerical Model of a Turbogenerator to Create a Database for Monitoring |
3_5_45 | A.A. Nikolaev, I.G. Gilemov, A.C. Denisevich, P.G. Tulupov Development of Active Rectifier’s Improved Control System with Stabilizing Effect for Voltage Sags Compensation |
3_5_46 | I.V. Bryakin, I.V. Bochkarev, V.R. Khramshin Subsurface Exploration Systems for Shallow Geophysics |
3_5_47 | I.V. Bochkarev, R.R. Khramshin, Zh.T. Galbaev, A.R. Sandybaeva Transient Processes Analysis in Electromagnetic Machines with Electric Impulse Control | Раздел 4. Системы управления и автоматизации технологических процессов и объектов |
Секция 4.1. Системы и технологии управления | |
4_1_1 | I. Mozharovskii, S. Shevlyagina Nonparametric Soft Sensor Development For Distillation-In-Series Unit |
4_1_2 | E.A. Shelenok, S.A. Smirnova Simulation Complex of Adaptive-Robust Control Systems for Multi-Mode Plants with Delay |
4_1_3 | E. Jharko Some Issues in Using the Model of Determining the User Stories Quality to Reduce Software Development Risks |
4_1_5 | S.N. Grigoriev, M.A. Volosova, A.A. Okunkova Automated Monitoring of Energy Pulses and Interelectrode Gap in Electrical Discharge Machining |
4_1_7 | D.V. Efanov, D.Kh. Ruziev, V.V. Khoroshev System Structure for Railway Switch Points and Signals Electrical Interlocking Powered by Renewable Energy Sources and Emergency Cable Network |
4_1_8 | E.A. Shelenok L-Dissipativity of Hyperstable Repetitive Control Systems |
4_1_9 | А.Г. Чаплин, А.А. Никифоров Автоматизация нетиповых и экспериментальных технологических установок в теплоэнергетике |
4_1_10 | А.V. Bondarev, V.N. Efanov, А.А. Kuchkarova Optimization of Smart-Mini-Grids Operation Modes Based on Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Method |
4_1_11 | E. Boyko, A. Dvortsevoy, L. Myshkina Study of the Effectiveness of Implementing Monitoring Systems in Municipal Energy Infrastructure Using the Example of Individual Heating Points |
4_1_12 | E. Jharko, K. Chernyshov, E. Abdulova Intellectualized Operator Information Support System for NPP: Expert Systems and Dynamic Models |
4_1_13 | Si Thu Thant Sin, E. M. Portnov, A. M. Bain Research and Development of Algorithms for Dispatching Tasks in Distributed Computing Systems |
4_1_16 | J.A. Syed, A.A. Takriti, R.R. Damindarov Computer Vision and Deep Learning Enabled Real-Time Liquid Level Detection and Measurement in Transparent Containers |
4_1_17 | D.A. Poleshchenko, A.V. Korenev, Y.A. Kovrizhnykh On Application of the Method of Early Slag Recognition during Steel Casting |
4_1_23 | E. Abdulova Towards Some Aspects of Forecasting the Risk Potential of NPP Processes: Model Selection (Using the Example of Cooling Water Heating Forecast) |
4_1_24 | S.A. Dubovik, A.A. Kabanov Situational Forecasting and Control in Multi-Agent Systems |
4_1_25 | E.D. Shakiryanov, A.N. Krasnov Mathematical Model of Virtual Quality Analyzer for Selective Petroleum Oil Refining |
4_1_26 | Khanh Doan Huu Research on Ship Weather Routing Method Based on Dijkstra Algorithm and Neural Network |
4_1_28 | Z.A. Kolosova, V.V. Abdullin, D.A. Shnayder Methods of Frequency Estimation Applied in Internet of Things Technologies |
4_1_31 | A. Sobol, V. Kochyn, A. Huk Information Security System Models in Smart Campuses |
4_1_35 | I. Epifantsev, K. Epifantseva Development of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Control System Capable of Adapting to Changing Weather Conditions and Obstacles |
4_1_36 | Yu. Schetchikov, S. Sokolova Technical Vision for Object Recognition |
4_1_37 | I.M. Portnov, A.A. Medvedeva Acceleration of Calculations in Mechanical System Motion Simulation |
4_1_41 | E. Heiss, A. Kozyr, O. Morozov Interaction between Area Boundary and Formation of Agents Interacting by the Thermal Motion Equivalent Method |
4_1_43 | V. Beliakova, N. Topolsky, T. Patrakhina The Use of Cyber-Physical Systems in Metallurgical Production Management |
4_1_44 | V.V. Krutskikh, A.N. Ushkov, D.S. Chukashov, A.Yu. Trofimov Smart Cloud Equipment Tracking and Control System |
4_1_46 | S.M. Andreev, D.V. Nuzhin Development of Algorithm for Forming Optimal Mode of Heating Billets in Through-Type Furnace |
4_1_47 | Andrey A. Radionov, Ivan V. Lyubimov, Rifkhat R. Khramshin Furnace Transformer Protection Device Mitigating Open-Phase Mode during Switching of Vacuum Circuit Breaker |
4_1_48 | Stanislav S. Voronin, Alexander S. Karandaev, Vadim R. Khramshin Online Monitoring System for OLTC of Furnace Transformer |
4_1_49 | Andrey A. Radionov, Boris M. Loginov, Andrey. B. Loginov Digital Temperature Observer for Rolling Mill Motors |
4_1_140 | Астафьев А.В., Астафьева О.С., Привезенцев Д.Г., Ерофеев А.Р., Карпычева Л.И. Локализация человека в помещении без использования устройств на основе информации о состоянии канал |
Секция 4.2. Промышленные мехатронные системы и робототехника | |
4_2_1 | A.M. Abbyasov, S.V. Tararykin Using the Gramian Method to Synthesize Robust Control Systems for Conveying Long Materials |
4_2_4 | A.A. Anisimov, M.E. Sorokovnin,V.V. Tyutikov Particularities of Identification and Tuning of Linear Systems with State Controllers Using Artificial Neural Networks |
4_2_5 | S.V. Tararykin, V.V. Apolonskiy Specifics of Controlling Mechatronic Systems with Non-Linear Kinematics in Variable Long-Term Tracking Modes |
4_2_6 | S. Sukhorukov, A. Ovsyannikov, S. Lepekhina A Set of Technological Equipment for a Robotic 3D Printing System Using DED Technology |
4_2_7 | D.I. Safarov, E. Tistsov, S.F. Jatsun Robotic Device for Active-Passive Mechanotherapy of the Ankle Joint |
4_2_8 | D.M. Grabar, M.A. Gorkavyy, Y.S. Ivanov Software and Hardware Platform Development for the Synthesis of Adaptive Algorithms and Methods for Controlling the Behavior of Collaborative Robotic System |
Секция 4.3. Микропроцессорные системы управления | |
4_3_1 | Yu. Diachenko, Yu. Stepchenkov, D. Khilko Self-Timed Counter Synthesis |
4_3_4 | D. Milovzorov, V. Yasoveyev, A. Mukhamadiev Mathematical Models for Tilt Measurement with a Triaxial Accelerometer |
4_3_5 | D.A. Permiashkin, V.E. Zyubin Algorithmic Conflict Detection in Process-Oriented Programs |
4_3_8 | V.V. Krutskikh, A.N. Ushkov, A.Yu. Trofimov, D.S. Chukashov Industrial Internet of Things Algorithms for Fire Safety System Control |
Секция 4.4. Датчики и системы технического зрения | |
4_4_1 | V.A. Kramar, O.A. Kramar, V.V. Alchskov The Computer Vision System for a Crewless Boat |
4_4_3 | K.V. Prokudina, M.S. Skriplyonok, A.V. Vostrikov Development of a Detector for Stamps on Images |
4_4_4 | E. Kozin, D. Vohmin Determining the Carbon Pollution in a City by Monitoring Traffic Flows Using Machine Vision |
4_4_6 | D.S. Antipin, G.N. Ryavkin, E.V. Solomin Improving the Quality of the Disparity Map |
4_4_7 | A.A. Komarskiy, A.V. Ponomarev, V.V. Krinitzin Application of YOLO Algorithm for Segmentation and Classification of Minerals in CT Slices Obtained by Dual- and Multi-Energy CT |
4_4_8 | K.A. Palaguta, V.A. Shiryaev, N.V. Grunenkov Experimental Studies of a Shadow Optical Sensor of Linear Dimensions and Displacements Based on a Charge-Coupled Device Photodetector |
4_4_9 | A. Nomerchuk, V. Soloviev, Yu. Privalova The Model of Wireless Sensor Network with Dynamic Packet Routing |
4_4_10 | A.Y. Kubarev, A.E. Usachov, M.A. Parаmonov Analysis of Power Transformers Monitoring Systems |
4_4_11 | I. Bogachkov, N. Gorlov, O. Bogatyreva Detection Methods of Faults in Passive Optical Networks |
4_4_13 | A.A. Zhilenkov, O.S. Krupinin Unsupervised 3D Scene Reconstruction by Stereo Pair Images |
4_4_14 | A. Astafiev, A. Erofeev, L. Karpycheva Device-Free Indoor Localization of a Person Based on Channel State Information |
4_4_15 | M. Kolpakov, K. Prokudina, V. Gorovoy Development of UAV Architecture with Integration of Android Smartphones for Expanding the Capabilities of the Technical Vision System and Onboard Computing |
4_4_16 | A. Mareev, A. Orlov Incremental Training of Convolutional Neural Networks for Recognition of Marking Symbols |
Секция 4.5. Теория и практика динамических измерений | |
4_5_1 | Iu.E. Shishkin, L.A. Krasnodubets Method for Dynamic Measurements of Autonomous Underwater Probe Immersion Depth |
4_5_2 | V.V. Mikhaylov, O.Y. Kaun Investigation of Transients in Induction Current Sensors Based on the Rogovsky Coil |
4_5_4 | N.I. Yumagulov, A.L. Galiev, D.V. Topolsky Skin Dynamic Resistance Assessment by Means a Digital Generator with a Specified Exposure Mode |
4_5_5 | A. Korzhakov, S. Korzhakova, D. Korzhakov The Thermoelectric Generators as a Autonomous Power Supply Source of Geothermal Water Reagent-Free Treatment System |
4_5_6 | M.Yu. Prakhova, G.Yu. Kolovertnov Assessment of Metrological Reliability of Measuring Channels in Commercial Oil Metering Systems |
4_5_8 | A.N. Krasnov, G.Yu. Kolovertnov, M.Yu. Prakhova Controlling the Reliability of Measuring Channels in Automated Monitoring Systems |
4_5_9 | T. Kainova Dynamic Encryption Based on Deterministic Chaos |
4_5_10 | D. Kutovoy, M. Shustrova, V. Fafurin Application of GERG and AGA8 Methods for Calculation the Compression Factor of Natural Gas at Low Temperatures |
Секция 4.6. Моделирование и компьютерные технологии в промышленности | |
4_6_4 | D.M. Shprekher, D.S. Ovsyannikov, A.V. Zelenkov Dynamic Analysis of the Reaction of a Scraper Conveyor when a Chain is Jammed |
4_6_8 | A. Vokhmintcev, A. Mityanina, M. Romanov The Fusion-ICP Data Registration Algorithm Using Ortogonal Transformations for 3D Reconstructing of an Archaeological Sites’ Models |
4_6_9 | M.Y. Romashikhin, I.I. Romanova Parallel Calculation of ? in NoCs Using a Remote Testbed |
4_6_11 | А.Н. Шульгин Алгоритм ускоренного графического назначения рациональных режимов обработки |
4_6_14 | A. Puchkov, M. Dli, V. Bobkov Ensemble Neural Network 3D-CNN and LSTM in the Problem of Assessing the State of a Technological System for Processing Ore Waste |
4_6_15 | A. Bozhko Modeling of Mechanical Structures in CAAP-Systems |
4_6_16 | D. Vorsin, N. Toichkin Development of a Machine Learning Model for Production Facility Predictive Diagnostics |
4_6_17 | A. Reznik, A. Soloviev Methods of Analyzing Random Point Structures in Solving Some Applied Engineering Problems |
4_6_18 | A. Ullah AI-Powered NGLs Recovery & Optimal Controls in Gas Processing Plants |
4_6_20 | Д.В. Чернов, А.А. Сычугов Моделирование процесса обеспечения информационной безопасности сведений составляющих служебную еайну в Области обороны Российской Федерации |
4_6_21 | M.M. Mashtakov, I.A. Brusakova Digital Twins and BIM Technologies for Industrial Systems Management |
4_6_23 | A. Kolodenkova, S. Vereshchagina Approach to Pre-Processing of Diagnostic Data Using Fuzzy Logic |
4_6_30 | G. Filatova, D. Piskunov, E. Isakov Development of a Methodology for Studying Digital Instrument Transformers with the Digital Ground Faults Relay Protection Devices |
4_6_33 | E. Kochegurova, V. Denisov, M. Galkina Hybrid Algorithm for Real-Time Data Forecasting with Density-Based Clustering and Penalty Splines |
4_6_35 | I.N. Ogorodnikov, V.V. Petukhova Solving the Inverse Heat Conduction Problem for Accurate Simulation of High-Temperature Processes |
4_6_38 | A. Musayev, D. Grigoriev, A. Makshanov Exploring Sequential Algorithms for Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Time Series |
4_6_39 | G.P. Okhotkin, M.S. Portnov, L.N. Vasileva Development of a Software and Hardware Complex for Prototyping an Unregulated Asynchronous Electric Drive |
4_6_40 | А.С. Говорков, Н.В. Подрез Основные принципы построения схемы системы проектирования в авиастроении |
4_6_41 | D.V. Rogov, P.O. Shaburov, R.A. Zakirov 3D Modeling of Traction Electric Motors for Public Works Vehicles in SolidWorks Using Macros |
4_6_43 | P. Sorochenko, V. Zatsepina, Ye. Zatsepin Analyzing Simulink Modeling Capabilities of Real Technological Disruption in Power System Section |
4_6_45 | A.V. Korzhakov, S.V. Oskin, V.A. Didych Automation of the Heat Protection Process for Acoustic–Magnetic Devices Installed in the Heat Supply System on Geothermal Water |
4_6_46 | K.V. Cherkasov, S.A. Meshkov, M.O. Makeev Estimation of Influence of Technological Factors on Technological Variation of Assignment Indicators of Frequency Mixers with Resonant-Tunnel Diodes as Nonlinear Elements |
4_6_48 | P. Larichev, V. Tynchenko, I. Nekrasov Application of Petri Nets for Modeling Ore Flows to Create Dynamic Management and Quality Control System in Mineral Resource Complexes |
4_6_49 | P. Medvedev, V. Mokshin Computer Vision Method for Detecting Safety Violations Using the YOLOv8 Model |
4_6_53 | M. Serebryakov Contemporary Issues in the Design and Creation of Computer-based Helicopter Simulator Training Systems |
4_6_55 | A. Bozhenyuk, E. Gerasimenko, P. Nikashina Method for Finding the Maximum Dynamic Flow in Periodic Fuzzy Graphs |
4_6_56 | K. Tyncherov, R. Suleimanov, E. Shagaleeva Estimation of the Complexity of Encoding and Decoding Devices for Quasi-Orthogonal Convolutional Codes |
4_6_61 | К.Е. Порфирьев, М.Н. Ярдаева Имитационная модель процесса сборки изделия для оценки и планирования производства |
4_6_63 | A. Komyakov, A. Davydov, V. Vitovskaya Application of Linear Regression and Artificial Neural Networks for Load Forecasting the Consumption of Fuel and Energy Resources Train Traction |
4_6_64 | T. Avetisyan, A. Preobrazhenskiy, Yu. Preobrazhenskiy The Development of Approaches to Optimize Wireless Access Networks |
4_6_66 | В.Э. Ливанцов Алгоритм преобразования гиперграфа структуры изделия в ориентированный граф состояний сборки |
4_6_67 | I.M. Rybakov, V.R. Roganov, E.A. Vershinin Ways to Improve Efficiency of Heat Exchange and Optimize Heat Removal in Radio-Electronic Equipment |
4_6_70 | I. Kotenko, I. Saenko, V. Sadovnikov Countering Adversarial Zeroth Order Optimization Attacks Based on Neural-Cleanse, Gaussian and Poisson Noise Adding |
4_6_71 | A.Y. Larionov, E.E. Karanova Methodology for Analyzing the Performance of 5G-NR Networks during Initial Planning without Deployment Using the NS-3 Network Simulator |
4_6_72 | K. Epifantseva, I. Epifantsev Development of a Digital Twin of a Collaborative Robot-Manipulator |
4_6_73 | I. Moiseev Comparative Analysis of Physical Correctness of Models Using Classical and Variational Integrators |
4_6_75 | А.Ю. Верстунин Гибридная модель электрической дуги основанная на MHD теории и уравнении Касси-Майра |
4_6_77 | M.S. Minin Improved Real Time Simulation of Fluid-Solid Interactions for Virtual Maritime Test Sites |
4_6_78 | A.I. Martyshkin Modelling Algorithms and Protocols for Congestion Control in TCP/IP Networks |
4_6_80 | Н.В. Старостин, И.С. Вернигор Алгоритм подбора и коррекции пооперационных технологических норм |
4_6_83 | M.V. Mamchenko, S.B. Galina Simulation Tool Requirements for Modeling the Execution of Technological Process Operations by Collaborative Robotic System Participants |
4_6_84 | A. Klimenko, I. Safronenkova Efficiency of Data Preprocessing Application for Geographically Distributed Cyberphysical Systems Using WSNs |
4_6_86 | T. Murtazin, T. Ismagilov Time Series Clustering in High-Noise Conditions in the Data |
4_6_88 | M.A. Volokhov, A.V. Drobotov, A.M. Makarov Methods for Converting and Dividing a 3D Model into Layers for Additive Manufacturing |
4_6_89 | A.I. Martyshkin Modelling and Analysis of Data Flows in IoT Networks |
4_6_90 | O. Ivanova, B. Markov, I. Gainova A Model for Calculating the Power of a Source of Nitrogen Oxide Emission from the Mouth of an Industrial Pipe |